To: nopardons
Quoted the book in reply
#192 but I guess some skipped over it. Coulter makes it very clear not all Democrats have been traitors. Joe Conason wrote a rant yesterday in which he was dead wrong on fact after fact too. Think all these lefties are working off the same (incorrect) page and have not bothered to read the book.
The attack is going to be she is out of control, she gets the facts wrong (she doesn't), she hurts conservatives (she doesn't) and nobody should ever listen to her again.
Same old trash talk we've heard from the left for...well...all my life.
210 posted on
07/06/2003 1:36:19 AM PDT by
To: DPB101
As usual, you're correct about everything. The only problem is, that some supposed " Conservatives " ( makes one really wonder...doesn't it ? ) spew the lefty line here, over and over and bloody over again.
To: DPB101
but all democrats are evil.......
214 posted on
07/06/2003 4:31:02 AM PDT by
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