Well so far, I've figured out that the lp's method of defending us would be to:
1) Open all of our borders up.
2) Remove all restrictions on immigration and trade.
3) Create a nationwide recession when 90% of the population looses their jobs to (legal) immigrants willing to work for $2.00 an hour.
4) Blame the previous administration.
5) Put up posters (in 30 different languages).
How brilliant!
1. Trust the people to make their own decisions. Let airlines decide what security proceedures to use. Let airlines decide whather to allow pilots or passengers to carry guns, and whether to search luggage and how extensively, and let people vote with their money on which airline to trust and fly.
2. Stop interfering in foreign wars or taking sides in foreign disputes. Many have died from bombs and guns that have a US return address. This breeds hatred toward the US. Let's promote friendship will all nations, but be the defender of only our own.
3. Legalize drugs. This would do much to drain terrorists of funding. Sorry, it's true: the War on Drugs is a financially boon to terrorists. The DEA is one of terrorism's best friends.
All of the above are good libertarian ideas, and would go far in reducing terrorism.