Banning partial birth abortion ( INFANTICIDE ! )is only the first step and one which disallows the murder of full term, just about to be born, can survive outside the womb babies.
Better minds than mine have explained, in detail, how the new drug benefit will hasten the privitization of medicare. We can't even begin to resuggest the privatization of Social Security when the markets are in the first blush of excellorating; no, we needs must be in a full throttle BULL market for the public to want that.
Regarding the word " Conservative " ... far too many assume that they are one, but couldn't give you a REAL definition, if their lives depended upon it. :-)
As far as the prescription benefits for seniors, there is no way to convince me that a give-away of that magnitude leads to anything other than socialized medicine.
I have my own definition of Conservative, and GW doesn't fit it.
Now, I'm very sorry, but 04:30 comes early for me.
I can't stay longer.
Thank you for being here.