And the AP is attempting to twist the truth claiming President Bush (Predator Drone sighted Osama) just sat back and didn't go after bin Laden. I wonder just how much of a threat the intelligence officals in Clinton's Administration painted bin Laden to be for the incoming administration. Osama who? Sheesh.
...I wonder WHY an AP "Story" about BUSH not getting OSAMA 3 Times...
...had to come out within days of DICK MORRIS coughing up about CLINTON's Refusing 2 "OSAMA Who?" Offers in 1996, while MORRIS ducted anwering the part of my question about a 3rd OSAMA Extradition Offer being made to CLINTON in Year 2000..?
NEVER FORGET that it was the AP that reported, during the CLINTON Administration, that there was a Massacre of Korean Civilians by our U.S. 7th Cavalry at the Bridge of NO GUN RI during the Korean War
...when there wasn't one.
On ..See Book:
'NO GUN RI: A Military History of the Korean War Incident'.. by Major ROBERT L. BATEMAN