(Consider it a gift) <|:)~
Processing was done at the Naval Base in Jacksonville, Florida for nine of us entering from Florida.
Had my own horror story, unable to provide the requisite *specimen," having without thinking gone at the hotel before boarding the bus to the base.
Everything else done, there I was, sheepishly pacing back and forth to the water fountain - hoping - waiting - hoping, waiting - and holding up the process for everyone, sitting there glaring at me...(:>(
After the swearing in ceremony, I was given all the meal tickets and placed in charge of the others, going by train to Yemassee, SC.
Debarking there, awaiting us was the 'Royal Chariot' - a totally open-air little train with four cars that chugged us the 23 miles to Port Royal, near Parris Island.
We were met there by our 'handlers,' and for the first time, I heard from onlookers that wonderful compliment accorded us -