Homeschoolers like us, but... What happens when the standardized test tests for knowledge of PC doctrine? Then what? Parents will have to teach to the test, thus undermining the central purpose of homeschooling. A thorny problem for which I see no simple solution.
We will deal with that problem when we come to it. As long as the standardized tests provided to home schoolers are the same tests as those provided to the public schoolers, that is the 1st defense. Anyone who takes the time to find sample copies of those tests (the push behind those tests coming from the Bush administration, BTW) can see that they are not PC oriented, but standard math, science, english, etc. If and when PC tests surface, then we can hammer them. But so far all I see is a lot of fearful paranoia. If someone can find a documented "PC test" designed for home schoolers, please copy it, scan it in, and post it. Otherwise it is all like chicken little running around shouting how the "PC tests" are coming with no evidence that this is the case.