To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
GWBush has done nothing for America but hide behind the mask of 9/11 while trumping up over a trillion dollars in additional national debt for nothing.
OBL must be happy about GWBush's hand wringing taking our freedoms and liberties away. BTW, where is Osama? Why can't GWBush find him?
53 posted on
06/01/2003 10:15:07 AM PDT by
To: Buckeroo
Buckeroo, you are a lost case. Go back to DU where you belong.
54 posted on
06/01/2003 10:15:56 AM PDT by
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
I want to correct my earlier post. We do have a coloring book scheme and methods of duct tape to guard our borders. Such joy for over a trillion dollars.
57 posted on
06/01/2003 10:18:24 AM PDT by
To: Buckeroo
Why can't GWBush find him?He did. He's (OBL) an ex-CIA employee, you know. Maybe not as ex as we'd like to think.
59 posted on
06/01/2003 10:19:22 AM PDT by
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