Doesn't matter!
The Media is trying to frame this debate to be about massive quantities of WMD!
Saddam and his ilk are a Clear and Present Danger!
Well, I agree here. I'm still waiting.
But I'm going to have to form some conclusions in the somewhat near future and I'll form them on the evidence presented to me. So far, no evidence has been presented. And I don't see how a dead or missing and deposed dictator could still keep an iron fist on all the people ,Scientific, manufacturing, military, and general civilian population, that would have to have information on them. It just isn't making sense. Someone would have come forward with information about where this HUGE QUANTITY of WMD's are (just to get in our good graces in nothing else). I'm beginning to think I've been lied to, and I absolutely hate being lied to. More than anything else on the earth, I hate being lied to.
In God I trust, from all others I want to see some proof.