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‘Gay’ Log Cabin GOP Minnesota Leader Linked to Violence-Prone ‘UsQueers’ Website
Culture and Family Institute/ ^ | 4/30/2003 | Allyson Smith

Posted on 05/01/2003 1:06:38 PM PDT by Polycarp


‘Gay’ Log Cabin Minnesota Leader Linked to Violence-Prone ‘UsQueers’ Website     4/30/2003
By Allyson Smith

Eva Young Tries to Get C&F Report Writer in Trouble at Penn State

A leader of Minnesota's Log Cabin Republicans—a homosexual activist group that casts itself as a moderate influence in the GOP—is linked to, a radical "queer" group that advocates the murder of Christian pro-family leaders including CWA Chairman Beverly LaHaye, Culture & Family Report has learned.

The Culture and Family Institute uncovered the link when a Culture and Family Report writer Gary Morella came under fire for his article from last week defending Sen. Rick Santorum. Eva Young, president of the Minnesota Log Cabin Republicans, e-mailed Morella to question his qualifications and possibly jeopardize his employment at Penn State University.

In a phone interview with Culture & Family Report Wednesday, Young said she was not trying to get Morella fired, but said perhaps he should be “disciplined” by the university because his Penn State affiliation was noted in the article.

CWA’s Robert Knight called on the Log Cabin Republicans’ national leadership to disassociate itself from Young for her involvement with activists behind the notorious “usQueers” website, which was ordered shut down by a court order.

Violent history of

Young currently co-moderates the companion Yahoo discussion group to, which is surrounded by the violent history of webmaster Bruce Allan Ross, who was jailed last year after storming a Baptist Church in San Diego and threatening its pastor with a broken glass bottle in June 2001.

Ross put his website on the Internet in March 2001. There, he displayed a “Wanted” poster that called for “A Horrible Death By Any Means Soon” for “Well-Known Het [heterosexual] Supremacists.”

The “het supremacists” on Ross’ hit list included former President Ronald Reagan, former Sen. Jesse Helms and Sen. Strom Thurmond, former California State Assemblyman Steve Baldwin, Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer, Paul Weyrich, Rev. Lou Sheldon of Traditional Values Coaltion, Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association, and Focus on the Family’s Dr. James Dobson.

The website also called for the deaths of CWA founder Beverly LaHaye and Culture and Family Institute senior policy analyst Peter LaBarbera, who at that time headed Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

An archived copy of the original 943-page website, obtained by Culture and Family Report, contains this disclaimer: “ does not authorize, ratify or directly threaten acts of violence toward the people or organizations on this list.”

However, other pages on the website show photos of several types of weapons and describe their use, including guns, a sword cane, a bow saw, and a throat slasher.

The website also contains writings by “Uncle Mordecai,” who asks that “just 20% of our Queer tribe . . . step up to the firing line and tell criminals and criminal gay-bashers, ‘You are dead.’ And if it is necessary, kill them.”

About Mrs. LaHaye of CWA, Ross wrote, “This is where it’s hard to keep from going into X-rated language. It’s too easy, really, but come on, she really [is an expletive].”

Ross described LaBarbera as “a true bottomfeeder, a scum-sucking weasel who is obsessed with Queer sex beyond all reason, except where one watches him step on the bodies of those he kills with his lies in order to create his career as a Queer hater and hunter. His death should be soon, since he is rotting now from the inside out.”

In the “About Us” section, the website states:

We are trying to provide information on this website which is not easily available elsewhere, and to serve as a conduit for communications between those who also have this mission. We do not automatically exclude the validity of any methods for achieving this mission.

Young, in her interview with Culture & Family Report editor LaBarbera, characterized the “usQueers” site as a “parody” of an anti-abortion site called the “Nuremberg Files” that celebrated the murder or deaths of abortionists. Young said she did not support calling for the death of critics of homosexuality, and criticized the usQueers site in various e-mails. But in the interest of free speech, she said the violent “gay” site should not have been taken down. (This reporter has not confirmed, through Young’s trail of activist e-mails, that she denounced the violent site.)

‘Christohet’ defined

The website also defines a “christohet supremacist” as “a person who speaks or acts according to the belief that people who claim to follow their version of Christianity, and all heterosexuals, have more value to humanity than people who don’t say they follow that version, and all Queers. Variations include het supremacist or heterosexist, Christian supremacist and religious supremacist.”

The website asked visitors to supply personal information about its targets, including: their home, office and church addresses; favorite hangouts; family members; phone numbers; automobile license plate numbers; and “just about anything which could be useful in spotting these dangerous het supremacists when they are wandering around loose.”

Ross Attacked Church

In June 2001, a few months after putting up the website, Ross attacked minister David Powell at the First Southern Baptist Church in San Diego while Powell was cleaning the church with his three children, then aged 9, 14, and 16.

During the incident, Ross displayed a broken glass bottle, threatened to hurt Powell, and also threatened to commit suicide by cutting the artery in his own neck. San Diego police officers subdued Ross by firing bean-bag bullets and unleashing a police dog on him. Powell and his children escaped unharmed. Ross said he didn’t know Powell was a pastor.

Powell said during the attack, Ross complained about the Southern Baptist Convention's stances against homosexual behavior, as reported in the media during the previous week's SBC annual meeting in New Orleans, according to Baptist Press.

Eva Young told Culture and Family Report that she opposed Ross’ criminal actions at the church, but noted that he is a manic depressive who had not been taking his medications at the time. (Ross’ lawyer used that in his defense during the trial.)

Young noted that she herself struggles with bipolar disorder and, “it’s a hellish disease. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

Hopes for heart attack

In November 2001, while Ross was awaiting sentencing, he and LaBarbera were guests on San Diego’s Rick Roberts radio talk show. During the broadcast, Ross expressed hope that LaBarbera would die of a heart attack.

In response to the crime he committed against Pastor Powell, the court ordered Ross “not log on to, visit, or participate in any way with the website ‘’ or any website of that nature. The defendant is ordered not to be a guest on any more radio shows. … The Court orders that the defendant take down the website ‘’ and further orders that the defendant not transfer the information on this website to any other for use on another website.”

Ross was also ordered to obey his doctors’ orders and take all prescribed medications.

Ross was sentenced January 29, 2002, to 365 days in jail. During his sentencing, which this writer attended, prosecutor Wes Sherman argued that the jail term was necessary because “[Ross] runs a highly sophisticated website. He is not a walking basket case. He is highly intelligent . . . To him, a computer should be a paperweight or something he looks at.”

Ross stays active with UsQueers

Ross apparently has not taken to heart Sherman’s admonition to confine computers to decorative purposes. A recent check of the Yahoo discussion groups “usQueers” and its successor, “us_queers,” proves that Ross and Young are current and active contributors.

The original usQueers discussion group had 24 members, including Ms. Young, who first posted to the list on November 29, 2001 — more than five months after Ross was arrested, and after several articles about his arrest had been published by a variety of news sources and discussed in Internet chat rooms such as Free Republic.

Although the original usQueers group is now inactive, Ross is still listed as its owner, with the most recent posting occurring February 24, 2003, by Eva Young.

While Ross was in jail, a successor discussion group named us_queers was founded last June 1. That list currently boasts 96 members, including Ross, Young and Rusty Morris.

In an e-mail exchange last weekend with Penn State student Patrick Gibbons — who was recently let go as a conservative columnist for the university’s Digital Collegian newspaper — Morris described himself as a 36-year-old with a “criminal psychology degree from Florida State. I have been a gay militant activist since 17, came out at 13. I am a religious cult researcher and cult victims counselor, and have been for the past 14 years.”

Ross is listed on the new us_queers discussion group as a member. Morris is listed as a co-owner, and Eva Young is shown as a co-moderator. Morris and Young each posted messages to the list as recently as April 29.

Young shares moderator responsibilities with James Nimmo, treasurer of Stonewall Democrats of Central Oklahoma and an opponent of library Internet filters for children.

In her interview with Culture & Family Report,” Young said she “does not run” the us_queers discussion group, and said her involvement on the list is a private activity not associated with Log Cabin Republicans.

“I’m on all sorts of lists,” she said.

Violent company Eva keeps

In addition to her regular participation in the us_queers discussion group and other online forums, Young also moderates “sodomlist,” a Yahoo chat venue “for folks to discuss tactics and approaches to get rid of sodomy laws.” Rusty Morris is also a member of sodomlist.

Recently, Morris has implied death threats against a pro-family San Diego group, Courageous Christians United. This writer is an occasional volunteer spokesperson for CCU.

Earlier this month, CCU issued a press release about the “Day of Silence,” a national pro-homosexual event held April 9 in schools throughout the country. The press release quoted CCU director Steve Klein: "This silence is ironic considering that sexual deviants, who comprise a tiny percentage of the general population, are among the most vocal and aggressive special-interest groups working to impose their fascist vision of unfettered sexual license on the majority of decent, moral citizens."

Klein’s comment elicited the following ironic remark from Bruce Allen Ross, the “” founder, about CCU: “These people are NOT polite, and should be watched as one would a nearby venomous snake.”

Referring to Klein in an April 10 message, Rusty Morris posted the following:

Bang Bang...they shot him down, BANG BANG ..that lovely sound...

BANG BANG... filthy christo-het...Bang what he should get

bang bang...facist nazi pig...bang bang...big mouth and little [----]

bang bang...this is my disclaimer...bang speech fantasy waiver

bang bang...that beautiful sound...bang bang...IN MY baby shot him down

LOLOL. What a lunatic christo-het pig.

Young said, “I don’t celebrate the deaths of anybody,” and that she condemned Morris’ and usQueers’ more extreme statements. But she said Morries is “an interesting guy.”

“This is an edgy list,” with lively opinions, she said “I don’t support everything that people say on that list.”

Will LCR fire Young?

Eva Young did not responded to e-mail questions submitted by this reporter, but she told LaBarbera that she did pass them on to Log Cabin Republicans national headquarters. She said she had not heard anything back from Log Cabins’ national leadership.

Culture & Family Report sought comment from the national Log Cabin Republicans headquarters in Washington, D.C. On Tuesday, this reporter called in to the Michael Dresser radio talk show—featuring LCR executive director Patrick Guerrierro and CWA’s Peter LaBarbera—and informed Guerrierro of Eva Young’s affiliation with While not saying whether he would take any actions against Young, Guerrierro distanced himself from the extremist actions of “usQueers” and said both the conservative and “gay” sides should ramp down their rhetoric.

Culture & Family Report sent inquiries to the national Log Cabin office regarding what, if any, actions would be taken against Eva Young, but they were not responded to as of press time.

Guerrierro has called on Sen. Santorum to step down from his GOP leadership post in the Senate if he does not apologize for remarks supporting Texas’ same-sex sodomy law. Guerrierro has argued that Santorum has the right to make such remarks, but as GOP leader tasked with building supportive coalitions, he should not have made the statements.

He said Santorum’s comments were “hurtful” to homosexuals.

LaBarbera asked Eva Young if the same principle should apply to her—i.e., should the Log Cabin Republicans allow one of their state leaders being involved with extremist “gay” activists that celebrate the murder of opponents and use incendiary rhetoric like “Christo-het supremacists” to described people of faith.

Young replied, “It’s up to the LCR to respond to you. If they’re going to do it [let her go], they’re going to do it. I don’t expect them to. It would be stupid. It will hurt them in the gay press, but it’s their call.”

She told LaBarbera that she doesn’t use phrases like “Christo-het supremacist” but “you are one.” She said she has used the phrase “Leviticus crowd” referring to religious conservatives opposed to “gay right,” especially after she heard Republican operative and Bush advisor Mary Matalin do so.

Knight: Young shows Log Cabin’s must go

Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute of Concerned Women for America, said Log Cabin’s handling of the Eva Young controversy will prove whether Guerrierro is earnest when he talks about reducing extremist “gay” rhetoric.

“Eva Young has long chosen to affiliate herself with a truly hateful group, usQueers, that advocates violence against pro-family leaders like our own Mrs. LaHaye and Peter LaBarbera. It will be interesting to see if Log Cabin Republicans—which has blasted a leading Republican senator for merely voicing his opinion in defense of sodomy laws—will now fully disassociate itself from Ms. Young and her fanatical usQueers allies.

“There is no room in the debate over homosexuality for those who celebrate or commit violence against anybody, including those who defend traditional Judeo-Christian morality,” Knight said.

He said the GOP should factor in Young’s radical associations when confronted with temptations to confer mainstream status on the Log Cabin group. Noting that Patrick Guerrierro and other Log Cabin leaders claim to be “conservative,” he said, “There is nothing conservative about consorting with vicious anti-Christian bigots, just like there is nothing conservative about supporting the redefinition of marriage to include two men or two women, or pretending that two male lovers adopting a baby is as healthy for the child having a mom and a dad.”

In interviews, Guerrierro, who is also pro-abortion “rights,” describes himself as a conservative, and a churchgoing Catholic, despite Church clear teachings against homosexual behavior and “gay” advocacy.

Young tries to cause trouble for C&F Report writer

In communicating with CFI writer Gary Morella, who authored the Santorum defense in last week’s Culture & Family Report, Young questioned his qualifications and went for the jugular—by emailing Morella's employers at Penn State University.

Culture & Family Report prefaced Morella’s essay with this statement: “Gary Morella is a research mathematician at Penn State University and a Catholic pro-family advocate who has written extensively on sexual morality and life issues, frequently challenging liberal ethos at the university.”

On April 25, Morella received an e-mail message from Eva Young, president of Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota, who identified herself as a Lavender Magazine columnist and the owner of the “lloydletta” Internet blogspot. Young’s message was also addressed to Bill Mahon, assistant vice president for university relations at Penn State, and the Culture and Family Institute.

In her letter, Young asked Mahon, “Is Gary Morella speaking for Penn State here? Did Gary give the Culture and Family Institute the permission to use both his name, and his institutional affiliation?” She then asked Mahon for Penn State’s official policy.

In subsequent exchanges with Morella and Mahon, Young disclosed her position with the Log Cabin Republicans, as well as her employment with the University of Minnesota. (The same university made headlines last year by publishing Judith Levine’s pro-pedophilia book Harmful to Minors, which just received an award from The Los Angeles Times (see current article in this issue.)

However, Young failed to tell Morella and Mahon that she is associated with the “usQueers” discussion list.

After receiving Young’s initial communiqué, Morella asked her, “Why then should those faculty like myself work under the constraint that we cannot identify who we are in speaking out against homosexual lifestyles?”

Young responded:

Now maybe Penn State is different than the University of Minnesota, but here at the University of Minnesota's [sic] Research Assistants are NOT considered ‘faculty.’ The issue is not one of free speech. You have every right to say what you want. The question is whether it is appropriate to speak — and also use your Penn State affiliation to give you more credibility — especially when you are using your work credentials to talk about a subject that doesn't relate to your day-to-day work.

Anyway, now that we have established you don't speak for Penn State, I have a couple follow-up questions: Does the research that you do at Penn State relate to the issues you discusses [sic] on the Culture and Family Institute website (sodomy, psychiatric or psychological studies about the issue of homosexuality)? Do you have any publications in peer-reviewed journals? Can you give me some citations.

Morella responded, “I'm wondering just who do you think you are with your impertinent arrogant questions, which I do not have to answer.”

In an April 29 phone interview with Culture and Family Report, Mahon of Penn State affirmed Morella’s right to free speech:

She [Young] sent me a note to that effect, and I explained that Morella has the right to identify himself as a university employee. The same free speech you have wherever you would go, you have on the Penn State campus. We cannot prevent people from speaking out. It’s the law of the country. I think most people would understand that between his stating that he is a mathematician and that he is a frequent critic of the university, he was not speaking for the university.

In her interview with Culture & Family Report, Young said she was not trying to get Morella fired and, in fact, supports his right to speak. But she said perhaps he should be “disciplined” for including his Penn State affiliation with the article. She said she did not know that Culture & Family Report editors, not Morella, wrote the introduction to his article listing his affiliation.

Take action

Pray for Eva Young, Bruce Allan Ross, Rusty Morris, Patrick Guerrierro, and everyone associated with and Log Cabin Republicans to be delivered from homosexuality. Do what you can to inform Republican Party officials about Log Cabin Republicans’ radical "gay" activist affiliations.

To contact the Republican National Committee and its chairman, Mark Racicot, write or call:

Mailing Address:

Republican National Committee

310 First Street, SE

Washington, DC 20003

Phone Numbers:

Phone: 202.863.8500

Fax: 202.863.8820


To contact President Bush, write or call:

Comment line: 202-456-1111

To contact your elected representatives in Congress, write or call:

Phone: 202-225-3121

Your Representative

United States House of Representatives

Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: 202-224-3121

Your Senators

United States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510

To contact Log Cabin Republicans, write or call:

Log Cabin Republicans

Patrick Guerrierro, Executive Director


Phone: 202-347.5306; Fax 202.347.5224 (f)

1607 17th Street, N.W. | Washington, DC 20009

Concerned Women for America
1015 Fifteenth St. N.W., Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 488-7000
Fax: (202) 488-0806

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Front Page News; Politics/Elections; US: Minnesota
KEYWORDS: catholiclist; christohet; cwa; homosexualagenda; logcabinrepublicans; prisoners
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To: Ferret Fawcet
21 posted on 05/01/2003 5:32:30 PM PDT by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: Polycarp
"From the time he was 13 to 15, he had a steady girlfriend, and was a quiet, well adjusted, normal kid.

At age 15 he was sexually molested by three male homosexuals, and in the process was introduced to drugs (need those whip its to open up a virginal anal sphincter, you know) and heavy alcohol abuse. He has lived a self destructive homosexual lifestyle ever since, a lifestyle induced by molestation and coerced drug and alcohol use at an early age."

Victimology is a trademark of the democratic party, not the republican party. If your friend were truly heterosexual, he would be leading the life of one. Perhaps the reason he is "self-destructive" is because he has friends like you who view him as less than human because of his sexual orientation.

"His life has been destroyed by these fags, and you have the nerve to criticize me?"

Yup, I'll criticize anyone who makes public posts on this board that are contrary to freedom and liberty, not to mention hate-filled, as I believe they are.

"This type of predatory sexual abuse of young teenage boys is typical chickenhawking homosexual behavior. I've seen it so many times its enough to make me vomit.

And I guarantee if any of them ever touches one of my boys, I'll kill the bastard."

Them? Here's a news flash: not every homosexual is a 'predator'. In fact, the vast majority are not. In fact, there are heterosexuals that molest children. I know it must be hard for you to swallow that one, but yes, it's true. In fact, in terms of sheer numbers, I am confident that many more children are molested by heterosexuals than are molested by homosexuals. So, your outrage is, to say the least, a smidge misdirected.

"Furthermore, the credibility of my entire Church has been undermined by homosexuals who infiltrated its priesthood and systematically buggered its teenage altar boys for years."

The credibility of your Church has been undermined by a group of pedophiles. That group of deviants is different than those who are homosexuals. I'm sorry you can't differentiate the two.

"And the same jacka$$es (like you) who would criticize the Church for this buggering, also criticize the Church for being so "intolerant" of the homosexual agenda."

Actually, "jacka$$es" like me would recommend the Church's teaching on homosexuals to you. I've heard a lot more compassion from the Church towards homosexuals than I've ever seen in one of your posts.

"Thus the call for lowering the age of consent for homosexual sex across the board by the homo movement."

If you can prove 1) that the "homo movement" speaks for all homosexuals or 2) that pro-gay groups have actively campaigned for lowering the age of consent, please show your cards. Of course, if this is a specious lie, which I suspect it is, you lose even more credibiility.

"The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to this Republic and the institution of the family upon which all decent societies are built."

Another news flash: heterosexuals are doing far more damage to the "family upon which all decent societies are built" than any homosexual could ever dream of doing. Please educate yourself as to marriage and divorce rates over the past 50 years. Additionally, heterosexuals are responsible in large part for children growing up in single family homes and otherwise impoverished. Again, your passion is ridiculously misdirected.

"The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to our health system."

This doesn't even deserve a response. It is laughable, not to mention unsubstantiated.

"Mankind has spent several millenia developing effective and sanitary methods of disposing human waste.

Mankind knows that human waste is the source of deadly diseases."

Believe it or not, there are plenty of heterosexuals that engage in anal sex. I know that must come as a shock to your puritannical mindset, but it's true.

Inasmuch as you have cited medical studies from various sources, some dubious and some not, the prevalence of various diseases in the "gay population" really doesn't have much to do with a "health crisis." If you are interested in avoiding STDs like hepatitis and the like, simply don't have sex with multiple partners, and make sure those that you do have sex with are clean.

Your mentality of attacking an entire group of people just because it may be more likely to result in higher disease rates is akin to the liberal attack on smokers, the nazi attempt to remove certain types from the gene pool, and an affront to the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution in general.

If a homosexual, or a heterosexual, or a bisexual, or whatever, wishes to have sex a mentally competent adult who agrees, the fact that it is high risk behavior gives neither you nor me the right to prevent them from engaging in that activity.

I believe in personal responsibility, you apparently believe in paternalism and regulation of individual behavior.

That's not what this country is about. This country is about individual rights and the freedom to run your life as you desire.

I'm sorry you don't understand that.

"Any further "wonderings," Smuck?"

Nope, you've adequately explained to me that you can't justify your attacks and that your passion is woefully misdirected and irrational.

Thanks, though.


22 posted on 05/01/2003 5:49:42 PM PDT by Trace21230 (Ideal MOAB test site: Paris)
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To: Trace21230
The credibility of your Church has been undermined by a group of pedophiles. That group of deviants is different than those who are homosexuals.

There have been no more than 1% of cases of true pedophilia (sex with a child under 12) in the hundreds of molestation cases that make up the currect Church scandal.

The vast majority (over 90%) involve homosexual molestation of teenage BOYS by MALE priests (call it homosexual ephebophilia if you like, or pederasty, or the popular fag term, "Chickenhawking.)

Since you so demonstrably lied on this whopper, I feel no compunction to waste my time shooting down the rest of them.

The conservative readers of this Forum know that you are simply a mouthpiece for the homosexual propaganda machine.

I'm not worried about which one of us is perceived to be telling the truth here.

23 posted on 05/01/2003 6:00:27 PM PDT by Polycarp ("He who denies the existence of God, has some reason for wishing that God did not exist.")
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To: Remedy; scripter
post #22. We've got a live one here.
24 posted on 05/01/2003 6:00:50 PM PDT by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: Trace21230
Weren't you posting under another screen name last week? Lurky? qwerty?
25 posted on 05/01/2003 6:52:46 PM PDT by ninenot
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To: Trace21230; I_Love_My_Husband

heterosexuals are doing far more damage to the "family upon which all decent societies are built".

I AGREE! Heterosexuals TOLERATE homosexual acts. Heterosexuals should demand, by law, that homosexuals seek treatment:


Because of the nature of the crime, the penalties for the act of sodomy were often severe. For example, Thomas Jefferson indicated that in his home state of Virginia, "dismemberment" of the offensive organ was the penalty for sodomy. 7 In fact, Jefferson himself authored a bill penalizing sodomy by castration. 8 The laws of the other states showed similar or even more severe penalties:

That the detestable and abominable vice of buggery [sodomy] . . . shall be from henceforth adjudged felony . . . and that every person being thereof convicted by verdict, confession, or outlawry [unlawful flight to avoid prosecution], shall be hanged by the neck until he or she shall be dead. 9 NEW YORK
That if any man shall lie with mankind as he lieth with womankind, both of them have committed abomination; they both shall be put to death. 10 CONNECTICUT
Sodomy . . . shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labour in the penitentiary during the natural life or lives of the person or persons convicted of th[is] detestable crime. 11 GEORGIA
That if any man shall commit the crime against nature with a man or male child . . . every such offender, being duly convicted thereof in the Supreme Judicial Court, shall be punished by solitary imprisonment for such term not exceeding one year and by confinement afterwards to hard labor for such term not exceeding ten years. 12 MAINE
That if any person or persons shall commit sodomy . . . he or they so offending or committing any of the said crimes within this province, their counsellors, aiders, comforters, and abettors, being convicted thereof as above said, shall suffer as felons. 13 [And] shall forfeit to the Commonwealth all and singular the lands and tenements, goods and chattels, whereof he or she was seized or possessed at the time . . . at the discretion of the court passing the sentence, not exceeding ten years, in the public gaol or house of correction of the county or city in which the offence shall have been committed and be kept at such labor. 14 PENNSYLVANIA
[T]he detestable and abominable vice of buggery [sodomy] . . . be from henceforth adjudged felony . . . and that the offenders being hereof convicted by verdict, confession, or outlawry [unlawful flight to avoid prosecution], shall suffer such pains of death and losses and penalties of their goods. 15 SOUTH CAROLINA
That if any man lieth with mankind as he lieth with a woman, they both shall suffer death. 16 VERMONT

8. Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew A. Lipscomb, editor (Washington, D. C.: Thomas Jefferson M emorial Association, 1904), Vol. I, pp. 226-227, from Jefferson's "For Proportioning Crimes and Punishments."
9. Laws of the State of New-York . . . Since the Revolution (New York: Thomas Greenleaf, 1798), Vol. I, p. 336.
10. The Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut (Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin, 1808), Book I, p. 295.
11. A Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia (Milledgeville: Grantland & Orme, 1822), p. 350.
12. Laws of the State of Maine (Hallowell: Goodale, Glazier & Co., 1822), p. 58.
13. Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: John Bioren, 1810), Vol. I, p. 113.
14. Collinson Read, An Abridgment of the Laws of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1801), p. 279.
15. Alphabetical Digest of the Public Statute Laws of South-Carolina (Charleston: John Hoff, 1814), Vol. I, p. 99.
16. Statutes of the State of Vermont (Bennington, 1791), p. 74.

BURGER, C.J., Concurring Opinion Decisions of individuals relating to homosexual conduct have been subject to state intervention throughout the history of Western civilization. Condemnation of those practices is firmly rooted in Judeo-Christian moral and ethical standards. Homosexual sodomy was a capital crime under Roman law…. During the English Reformation, when powers of the ecclesiastical courts were transferred to the King's Courts, the first English statute criminalizing sodomy was passed…. Blackstone described "the infamous crime against nature" as an offense of "deeper malignity" than rape, a heinous act "the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature," and "a crime not fit to be named." W. Blackstone, Commentaries . The common law of England, including its prohibition of sodomy, became the received law of Georgia and the other Colonies. In 1816, the Georgia Legislature passed the statute at issue here, and that statute has been continuously in force in one form or another since that time. To hold that the act of homosexual sodomy is somehow protected as a fundamental right would be to cast aside millennia of moral teaching.

Texas Physicians Resource Council, Christian Medical and Dental Association, Catholic Medical Association In fact, same-sex sodomy has resulted in the transformation of diseases previously transmitted only through fecally contamin-ated food and water into sexually caused diseases– primarily among those who practice same-sex sodomy.

Homosexual behavior increases risk of AIDS - Dr. Brian J. Kopp, ...

Public health records demonstrate that homosexuals, representing 2 percent of America's population, suffer vastly disproportionate percentages of several of America's most serious STDs, with incidences among homosexuals of diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis A and B, cytomegalovirus, shigellosis, giardiasis, amoebic bowel disease and herpes far exceeding their presence in the general population. These are due to common homosexual practices that include fellatio, anilingus, digital stimulation of the rectum and ingestion of urine and feces.

An exhaustive study in The New England Journal of Medicine, medical literature's only study reporting on homosexuals who kept sexual "diaries," indicated the average homosexual ingests the fecal material of 23 different men each year. The same study indicated the number of annual sexual partners averaged nearly 100. Homosexuals averaged, per year, fellating 106 different men and swallowing 50 of their seminal ejaculations, and 72 penile penetrations of the anus. (Corey, L, and Holmes, K.K., "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men," New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, vol 302: 435-438; as quoted in "Homosexuality and Civil Rights," Tony Marco, 1992).


Citizens Against Government Waste

Since the first federal resources were made available to state and local health agencies for AIDS prevention in 1985, federal funding, which now includes money for research, treatment, and housing, has skyrocketed to $13 billion for fiscal 2003. As a result of the work of highly mobilized lobbying forces, more is spent per patient on AIDS than on any other disease, though it does not even currently rank among the top 15 causes of death in the United States. In one year, 1998, heart disease, the nation's leading cause of death, killed 724,859 Americans only 6.8 percent less than the 774,767 who have contracted AIDS in the last 20 years.2 Of those 774,767 total AIDS cases, 462,766 have died. During that same period, 14 million Americans 30 times more have died of heart disease.

Research expenditures at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) demonstrate the uneven use of federal resources. In 1996, NIH spent an average of $1,160 for every heart disease death, $4,700 for every cancer death, and a whopping $43,000 for every AIDS death.3 Even though they get far less research money, that year heart disease killed 24 times more and cancer killed 17 times more than the number of people who died from AIDS in 1996, when AIDS was still the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S.

26 posted on 05/01/2003 6:56:19 PM PDT by Remedy
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To: Remedy
It's time for AIDS funding like that (to the tune of $43,000 per death!) to be pulled. Make it even with heart disease or less. And I think we should be doing tracings, not anon testing! People need to be traced if they are carrying this disease! This is what they do with every single communicable disease EXCEPT AIDS! Because of the homosexual lobby. And celebrities.
27 posted on 05/01/2003 7:08:52 PM PDT by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: I_Love_My_Husband
Talk about shock and awe - I think the homo Nazis must be scared, there have been so many of them on FR lately - probably got their marching orders to come and disrupt, chainging names so it looks as though there are many of them. I noticed their home pages on FR (or whatever it's called) are similar (when they put any "info" there) - kind of fake and smarmy.
It looks to me as though the fag Nazis are taking their masks off. Helping to separate the sheep from the goats, I guess. This should help people (sheeple?) who are sitting on the fence, to decide which side they want to be one - the side of light and truth, or the side of darkness and evil.
I'm in awe, and my thanks are to the brave souls on FR who speak the truth.
28 posted on 05/01/2003 10:39:19 PM PDT by First Amendment
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To: pram
Which side they are on, not one!
29 posted on 05/01/2003 10:45:51 PM PDT by First Amendment
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To: Polycarp
30 posted on 05/01/2003 11:48:34 PM PDT by quietolong
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To: ninenot
"Weren't you posting under another screen name last week?"

Nope, but I'm glad to see someone else on this site understands freedom.

31 posted on 05/02/2003 5:45:09 AM PDT by Trace21230 (Ideal MOAB test site: Paris)
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To: Trace21230
Freedom to infect?
32 posted on 05/02/2003 7:29:07 AM PDT by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: pram
I believe you're right. Trace's home page states he's moderate to conservative, hates Clinton, and loves Reagan; yet his main concern seems to be defending the radical gay agenda.
33 posted on 05/02/2003 9:20:03 AM PDT by DLfromthedesert
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To: ninenot
34 posted on 05/02/2003 9:45:57 AM PDT by Polycarp ("He who denies the existence of God, has some reason for wishing that God did not exist.")
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To: Polycarp
Better get this to O'Reilly.

Better yet, send it to Ashcroft and Tom Ridge.
35 posted on 05/02/2003 9:49:21 AM PDT by mabelkitty
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To: Polycarp
My husband is a Bible Scholar.

He's also a Marine - served in Vietnam - for 18 months.

Bring it on!
36 posted on 05/02/2003 9:51:57 AM PDT by mabelkitty
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To: Trace21230
Poster is exercising their First Amendment.

If you don't like the thread, leave.

Why try to discredit and censor? Do you have an ulterior motive?
37 posted on 05/02/2003 9:53:30 AM PDT by mabelkitty
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To: Polycarp
Fortunately, even for us Christians, there is still a Second Amendment.


38 posted on 05/02/2003 6:48:57 PM PDT by FormerLib
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To: Trace21230
It's good to be reminded that the Log Samplin' Republicans are the enemies of that which is good and decent. We don't want them! Not their votes, not their money, not their diseases.
39 posted on 05/02/2003 6:55:22 PM PDT by FormerLib
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To: *Homosexual Agenda; EdReform
Don't know if you saw this. I was searching WorldNetdaily and found Log Cabin leader tied to radical 'queers', which is probably based on this article. One (or two) more for the database.
40 posted on 05/02/2003 11:06:16 PM PDT by scripter
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