But how could this be?
One of our major national characteristic shortcomings was primarily responsible for the cavalcade of foolish, arrogant decisions based on ignorance of geography, foreign history, languages, culture, Asian contexts, strategies, even when backed up with the best in technological prowess.
Knowledge of the Outside World DOES count. Take it from me. To proceed otherwise is to do it blindfolded. I join with quite a number of Senators and Congressmen of both parties that say the 'dumbing down' must stop! and the bar must be raised. The NEA or AFT will not get it done for us, either. There have to be other ways to reduce the 'moron' percentages in modern America.
We're in a vulnerable position as an enconomic and social crew right now. We've pretty much drifted into the acceptance that we are no longer going to be a manufacturer in industries where we cannot compete in the marketplace without a State-enforced market-corrupting edge. So, we're not going to make socks, dress shirts, CDs, comsumer goods and any other products or services where we cannot demand premium price and its justifiable labor investment. That goes down the sink hole if we are not more educated, skilled, innovative, productive and motivated. These kids are failing Q/A in unacceptable numbers, and the NEA and their thugs need be disemboweled if they enable that scandal.