This Dreckspass (german word), this idiot enabler of Clinton and and his ilk, this week-kneed scum does not deserve the Freedom that our Founding Fathers pledged their sacred honor for. Sacred honor - this gerbil of the demoronic debauched wouldn't know sacred honor if he were standing under Sadam's statue when it fell on him. They are willing to claim that Westmoreland gassed innocents when he didn't, but they refrain from informing on Sadam when he did.
When I watched CNN I would curse and scream and throw things at the screen. Now I will just turn it off, and sit in stunned silence with the knowledge of that the blood of millions is on their hands - and on the hands of Ted Turner and Jane Fonda. And may God have mercy on their souls.
We're taught that God is a merciful God, but also a Just God. In the end, justice will be served on vile people such as this at the Clinton News Network.