Also, there is a fairly LARGE Kurd-dominated area in western Turkey (on the border with Iraq). The Turks are afraid that if the Kurds get the oil, they will have enough money to organize and form their own country and take away a portion of Turkey. The "new Kurdistan" country would include the Kurdish-controlled portion of Iraq, and the Kurdish-occupied portion of Turkey, and some Kurdish territory in Iran, and maybe one other country. So Turkey doesn't want to lose any of it's own territory.
I doubt they would care if the Kurds didn't occupy a large portion of Turkey. So, as usual, it's a case of "The boy with the most toys (aka LAND) wins." This is why various Rulers go in and CONQUER other lands. I'm pretty sure it's to compensate for a small penis.
Should have read:
I doubt the Turks would care if the Kurds took over Kirkuk and the oil fields if the Kurds didn't occupy a large portion of Turkey.