Lt. Colonel's very enthusiastic tonight!
I like this special edition of FoxNews...the three hour primetime FoxNews line-up is unhelpful during wartime. Is there anything sillier than armchair opiners lecturing the winning generals?
Lt. Col. Tom McInerney: "We're in the culmination phase of the whole campaign...we've got the Global Hawk and Predators looking at the ground 24 hours a day...we're going to be attacking 75,000 troops in the north...we have the overmatch because we have the surveillance and the precision....Mosul...when we wake up (Mosul will be fallen)...Tikrit...could be a big fight...and to the west...El Qa'im...important...most of SCUDS to Israel in Gulf War (came from there) ... and (it's an) easy escape route to Syria.