That is an absurd and ignorant statement.
Are you trying to tell me that Chris Braga and Lon Hourouchi made honest mistakes? I don't buy it for one minute and I don't think too many other people do either.
No, what Lon Horiuchi did was simple murder fueled by arrogance. Ideally, he should have been tried for murder in a Federal court since he is a government agent and committed his crime while on duty. Of course the Clinton Department of InJustice would never have done so, so the state of Idaho should have "been allowed" to try him for murder, but since the Tenth Amendment was abolished in 1865 at Appomattox, that couldn't happen either.
Anti-police bias in the media!! You gotta be kidding right?
No, it goes hand-in-hand with the left-wing media's bias against our military and all things conservative/Republican.
In spite of what the police propagandists say, their job is safer than just being an ordinary serf
You said
That is an absurd and ignorant statement.
I did the math, and what I calculated using 2 murders of cops in 10 years in a 3000 man force worked out to be about half the murder rate of Baltimore as a whole. This isn't ignorance this is fact. You have nothing to back up your claim. I do.
And, if this isn't enough for you, look up occupational related fatalities in the US department of labor statistics. If varies from year to year, but police work is about the same degree of danger in term of on the job deaths as non farm professional gardening. The top two every year are commercial fishing and logging with construction work and electrical work also being more dangerous than police work. Police fatalities are about evenly divided between motor vehicle related and homicide, with a smattering of other causes so if you just factor in homicide, the risk drops lower. There are people who ignore reality to cling to their untrue beliefs. I hope you are not one of them.