One of my favorite limericks:
Those Greenies sure faded to black
when Iraq the oilfields did attack;
Greenpeace? Not around;
Earth First? Was not found;
'Cuz they know Saddam will shoot back!
I've met a number of pro-regime change conservatives who knew all about Saddam's destruction of the marshlands, and about Mugabe's thugs' destruction of parkland in Zimbabwe, including shooting elephants and giraffe just to watch them die, and about "brown clouds" and massive environmental posoining from China's coal-fired power plants and industries, and so on.
The lefty econ-nuts I meet never seem to know about any of this stuff. The greatest environmental crimes and depridations of the 20th century have nearly all been caused by third world despots, or by developing world regimes resonding to anti-growth ideologues, rather than by Western capitalists. This doesn't fit the eco-nazis' ideology, so the knowledge must be supressed.