But that was exactly what prompted my relating about him then, Aqua!
Mourning with the parents of those who lost children, we actively grieve aloud with them; and count the blessings of what they are to us.
It was to emphasize the gains and joys we've had, even while facing a possile loss of our own child.
As a DMAT Responder, had Steve's deployment not been canceled in 2001 just before they were to go to Ground Zero, he well could have been injured or killed treating the rescuers right down in the rubble with them.
That would have been what he was doing, first treatment rendered to any ill or injured while doing rescue operations - evaluate, treat, and send out to the applicable further help.
When his unit was deployed to help in Hurricane Lili, that area was badly flooded, sheriff's departments scouring the countryside to find stranded families. Had it been necessary, he would have accompanied them to treat at isolated homesteads where they coud not be transported out. Could have been swept away by the floods - struck by trees, debris - bitten by the poisonous snakes who are 'displaced' - - a thousand scenarios as 'could haves.'
As a member of one of the three International Insert DMAT Teams, he could well go to treat cases such as might ensue if embassy hostages in a foreign country who are being freed are injured under hostile fire.....
Not all losses fighting the effects of evil are purely military ones.