The guys with stars on their shoulders strategizing in Qatar weren't recruited from the parking lot of a suburban paint-ball range. They know about Tet, they were grumbling live and real time in VietNam and Beirut, they understand the lessons of Warsaw, Leningrad and Wounded Knee, they lived Mogadishu, they lived Port au Prince and Panama City and the Brits know the lessons of Belfast and understand the dynmaics of the Arab psyche and response to power projections very well.
Could they hustle up a Burger King date on the internet with a 14 year old who "HATES HER PARENTS to the max!" That may be outside the swing zone of Rummy, the Joint Chiefs and General Franks and his operational command. That's special, luring 14 year old girls for romance and courtship. That's pure Ritter ... when it's not pure Buttafuco.
We aren't going to get 10 miles outside Baghdad and call "the T" and huddle ... "ok, now what? What are the ways the 'Queen' piece can move again?"
InspectorLuv: Hey hotwheels, how was your history essay test today? LOL! Did you prepare five sets of answer books in advance to fool all the graders????!!!! LOL. hehe ;^)
Hotleggedgrrrl: No, my retarded little brother used all my answer books to keep score of his stupid video games. The little shit. I'm sure I flunked it ... ;>(
InspectorLuv: LOL!!!!! LMAO!!!!! You sound like you need a Whopper with Cheese Value Meal!!!!!!!! ;^)
Hotleggedgrrl: Which means I can't get my tongue pierced ... whatever ... my Dad never lets me do anything! :>( Grrrrr.
InspectorLuv: I know. I had someone like your Dad out to get me too. His name was Richard, an Australian, he talked like a spaz!!! Butler the Butthead!!! ROTFHMPIHWPAMAL. How 'bout a Chicken Fillet and Curly Fries?
Hotleggedgrrrl: OK. You're really on the Penn State wrestling team, right?