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Uprising By Shiites in Basra Underway; British Pouring Artillery into City
Sky News Live Feed ^
| 03/25/03
| TonyInOhio
Posted on 03/25/2003 9:14:57 AM PST by TonyInOhio
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To: Semper Paratus
Even have their own website "Baathist Underground". That just redirects to DU, I checked.
posted on
03/25/2003 12:04:21 PM PST
(Visit my gallery
To: Joseph_CutlerUSA
thanks for the info.
posted on
03/25/2003 12:06:17 PM PST
To: bt_dooftlook
I don't know if this is breaking news or not, but Fox has just reported that indications are that the irregular Iraqi troops in Basrah are dressing up in U.S. uniforms, accepting the surrender of civilians, and then slaughtering them. That is apparently the "final solution" to the problem of a pupular uprising in that city, which revolted during the Gulf War in 1991.
To: Grampa Dave
"Those 2,000 Aussie SAS are worth about 80 billion frogs, krauts and Ivans. Also, we can turn our back and not get a knife in the back from the SAS." Well put Dave. It's sure great to have 'em with us. They've got one of the most dangerous missions of the war, as well.
posted on
03/25/2003 12:08:50 PM PST
To: johnb838
MSNBC is all I watch. Trainer and the other ret US Army are excellent. Fox has put on some Eric Dickersons and it just hasn't translated to good TV.
MSNBC is actually outfoxing Fox with the Patriotic homage as well.
The SAS from Australia and the UK and our SF guys will be a huge difference in this war.
posted on
03/25/2003 12:11:01 PM PST
Grampa Dave
(Stamp out Freepathons! Stop being a Freep Loader! Become a monthly donor!)
To: merrin
'Bret Baier (Fox News) just said that the Fedayeen are dressing up as US soldiers, "accepting" the surrender of Iraqi regular army troops, then shooting them.'Deplorable, but doesn't that just mean fewer POW's we have to feed? Doesn't that just help us, I mean fewer troops to deal with?
posted on
03/25/2003 12:12:11 PM PST
The Vast Right Wing
(Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, the French and Germans only gargle)
To: Bitter Bierce
Iraqi military dressed as U.S. Military excecuting surrendering Iraqies on the battlefield!!
Mortor rounds fired into the crown of uprising civilians!!!!
posted on
03/25/2003 12:14:22 PM PST
Delta 21
(With Liberty and Justice For ALL!!!)
To: Illbay
I believe the problem we have is with Wahabbi Muslims - those of the ilk of Osama, 13 of the 19 hijackers, j. Mohammed (DC sniper), J. Walker, J. Padilla and the newest - Hasan Akbar, the treasonous soldier at the 101st.
posted on
03/25/2003 12:16:08 PM PST
(the Mrs half)
To: TonyInOhio
Shiites battling the Ba'aths reminds me of when I was a kid in West Texas.
I'd catch a tarantula and a stinging scorpion and put them in a jar to watch them fight.
I never liked the winner.
To: Alberta's Child
I gave you the most recent example (this morning) for me. You can also add the closure of my parking garage to anyone except monthly users (as if nobody who would park a car filled with explosives there would ever think of buying a monthly pass), the searching of my bag at almost any public building I enter, the additional forms I just had to fill out for my bank, identifying the reason for seeking a line of credit ("to comply with the U.S. Patriot Act"), etc.
I'm sorry that I just don't see these as anything other than minor inconveniences. Get out of NYC if it bothers you. It seems quite reasonable to me, especially when you consider some of the other activities of our government over the last 50 years.
The line of credit bothers me, but I think its a little late to be worrying about government intervention in the banking system. Before I lost any sleep, I'd want to know a) if this is mandated or suggested by the Patriot act b) if any banks are exempt c) if any other sources of credit are exempt. Unless there aren't any alternatives, and this is mandated by the government, then I don't see a problem with it, all things considered.
I'm no fan of government, but none of this seems all that evil. Certainly, compared to the income tax, welfare, the War on Drugs, social security, subsidies, etc this is a little pin prick in terms of real damage to real lives and liberty. Especially considering the limited application and circumstances. I'm sorry, but I don't see why this upsets you so compared to what else has been going on since the statists gained power 50 years ago.
To: gov_bean_ counter
posted on
03/25/2003 12:19:10 PM PST
(It takes two to make peace, but only one to make war.)
To: Bitter Bierce
U.S. troops taking fire from a hospital.
200 machine guns , chemical suits, military uniforms, and a T-55 tank neutralized in a HOSPITAL!
posted on
03/25/2003 12:21:50 PM PST
Delta 21
(With Liberty and Justice For ALL!!!)
To: sheltonmac
The top priority right now is for coalition forces to get the support they need in the march on Baghdad and an important part of that support, needs to come from groups like the Shiite's and the Kurd's.
To: TonyInOhio
Great news!
To: Charlie OK
actually had heard before that it is extremely insulting to Iranian people to call them Arabs I wish I could call Ahmanpour an Arab to her face, then.
Also, it is extremely insulting to call non-African-Americans, "African-Americans", as Paul Begala called Colin Powell (NY born from Jamaican parents) in his earth-shattering interview with .... Chris Rock.
posted on
03/25/2003 12:24:44 PM PST
(the Mrs half)
To: oyez
The war strategy is a bit confusing for those on the sidelines. But the press is finally getting upto speed on what is going on, why even MSNBC explained it quite well last night! I see other replies have explained it for you already. I think this war plan may go down in history as a masterpiece! The execution is also amazing! Go troops!
posted on
03/25/2003 12:25:06 PM PST
(It takes two to make peace, but only one to make war.)
To: JohnHuang2
Needless to say, I'm saddenned, deeply saddenned.
posted on
03/25/2003 12:26:21 PM PST
To: bt_dooftlook
My advice is to insist on a civilian militia (a la Switzerland) with a minimal standing army (self-defense force). Guns in the hands of civilians are the greatest threat to would-be dictators and criminal thugs...IMHO That's what I would have thought, too, and yet some of the news video out of Iraq seems to show that the Iraqi man-in-the-street already has his own AK-47.
To: John H K; Poohbah
I heard he (Aflaq) either was educated in France or was from France? Correct? or NON?
posted on
03/25/2003 12:30:23 PM PST
(the Mrs half)
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