To: bbourdon
Hey, bbourdon. Welcome to FR! Make sure your house is relatively clean before you log on to FR.
Also, make sure you have a dorm fridge next to your computer and that it's fully stocked. Also, have a cot handy for when you find yourself freeping at 2 am.
It would be nice to have a microwave next to your fridge. That way, you don't miss anything.
If you have children, tell them to eat cheerios or join you at your desk. Have a good supply of Playstation games for them or DVDs to watch.
To: Carolina
More advice,,,board the pets, tell your spouse you need "space", throw away anything that needs ironing, have a nice comfy pair of pj's that you can wear 24/7, better yet get three pairs {we are clean here}, get your teeth cleaned so brushing can be skipped, cut your hair very short so you can shower and wash it in five minutes, no time for hairdryer, give up makeup, give up cooking, give up carpool, let the kids skip school. Now have I missed anything?,,oh, you can have sex, post and watch the war all at one time, we did it during the recount and it worked!!
To: Carolina
"Also, make sure you have a dorm fridge next to your computer and that it's fully stocked. Also, have a cot handy for when you find yourself freeping at 2 am."
I have a computer, two tv's wall mounted, and I even bought one of those cc radios because I live equi-distant between Loa Angeles and San Diego!! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson