To: Timeout
A revealing line from where's Raed
"The radio plays war songs from the 80s non-stop. We know them all by heart. Driving thru Baghdad now singing along to songs saying things like we will be with you till the day we die Saddam was suddenly a bit too heavy, no one gave that line too much thought but somehow these days it is sounds sinister."
To: slimer
That reminds me, why can't we beam TV pics into Baghdad? I know we've co-opted radio, but why not TV?
4,385 posted on
03/20/2003 8:37:09 PM PST by
( angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm--GWB inaugural address)
To: All
Forgive me. Has anything significant happened after 4:00 p.m. EST? I've been following this rabidly until 4:00 p.m..
No shock and awe?
Thanks much,
4,386 posted on
03/20/2003 8:37:41 PM PST by
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