And what about those who do everything in their power to circle the wagons around and protect a heinous, evil tyrant such as Saddam Hussein? Those who wish to condemn his people to continued torture and tyranny? Those who wish to leave the whole world unprotected from weapons of mass destruction? Do they also assume a grave responsibility before God for their actions?
And what about those who are supposed to speak on behalf of God and guide the flock, yet show themselves to be worthless shepherds by making common cause with the wolves? Do THEY also assume a grave responsibility before God?
I am as religious as anyone can be, and attacks upon the Church by leftists make me livid. But the Vatican's insistence in condemning the policeman for trying to do his job instead of the criminal for committing his crimes is simply too much for me to stomach any longer. When the words that come from the Pope are the same that come out of the mouths of socialist supporters of evil, I must come to the conclusion that the Vatican's moral compass has become as upside down as theirs.
We are truly in End Times, when the Vatican and the UN speak with the same voice, when the Vatican views the UN as the sole arbiter of the legitimacy of this war, and when the Vatican worries more about good men confronting evil than about evil men carrying out their evil designs. The Vatican insists that we submit to the will of the UN, and in so doing insists that we allow ourselves to be branded with the number 666. It comes as no surprise that Satan attempts to sit on God's throne as if he WERE God, but for the Vatican to invite him to sit there shows how great The Great Apostasy has become.
Worthless shepherds. They have utterly failed to guide the flock, and have become as irrelevant as the UN. May the sheep keep their eyes on the true Shepherd, lest they become lost.