France is trying to drag Germany along to set up a European superpower to rival the US. Putin would like to be part of such a formation. Unfortunately, his up-to-now good judgment has been clouded by the prospect and he does not see that Europe cannot become that superpower. EU does not have and cannot acquire the military wherewithal to challenge US paramountcy. EU's tendency toward socialism and its attendant inefficiencies guarantee that if EU starts to spend the money necessary to gain an American class military, the economy will sag to a level that will make the project unattainable and will make for a USSR type of denouement- economic collapse.
Yes, I think you're right about that. Sad to see him picking Chiraq and Schoeder to side with though, isn't it? He seemed to admire GWB so much, I had hopes for Russia. Now, Putin will be as irrelevant as the others.