There aren't enough pixels to tell one way or the other, and the scale isn't clear, but I can think of at least a half-dozen of that configuration: DC-9, Caravelle, B-727, Trident, and several different bizjets, although it looks too big for the latter. Looks to me most like a DeHavilland Trident or a Boeing 727.
There are no shadows beneath the "wings."
Sure there are, you just can't see them because the wings are blocking them. Sun angle, old chap.
The leading edge of the root of the "vertical stabilizer" is ahead of the "wingtips" and starts (from "nose" to "tail") at the aft, trailing root of the "wings" --- there is no such aircraft shape in the inventories.
The tail-mounted center engine on the Trident or 727 extends forward of the vertical stab, and looks just like this, at least within the resolution of the picture.
To the "southeast" of the "jet," there is a collection of similarly-colored material, probably a pile of rocks associated with the "structure."
So there's a pile of rocks, so what? Actually, though, if you enlarge the image, that structure looks like two small delta wings with a center body, which could well the the detached horizontal stabilizer of the jet, it's about the right size and, as you point out, similarly-colored.
(Couldn't find a direct overhead view.)