To: Republican_Strategist
Photos Prove Connection Between Iraq and Al-Qaeda Terrorists
Wrong, Rush. Photos prove that Iraq has a jet fusilage probably used to train for hijackings. I see nothing in these photos that proves a damn thing relating to al Quaida. Plus. I've been seeing these photos for almost a year. If they proved Iraq's links to al Quaida, why didn't Colin Powell use them in his presentation to the U.N? Why aren't GW and Rumsfeld splashing them across every screen in America? Because these photos don't prove jack. Nice try.
To: LanaTurnerOverdrive
No, these pictures prove what Iraqi defectors have been telling us about Iraq training hijackers at an Iraqi Terrorist Camp and of course Iraq has been sponsoring Al Qaeda for a decade - Saddam had the 9/11 hijackers trained. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson