On the contrary, he would probably explicate further.
As to the observation that I said she was sexually active for two years...I intended just the opposite. She has had two years, IMHO, of sexual experience in those nine months, and has the physiology to prove it. Most, though not all, of the things that happen when a girl has unprotected sex happen and are COMPLETE within a mere Two Weeks.
If she had been sexually active before her abduction, the 'before' and 'after' photographs would have yielded much less information.
How is it possible for a girl in 9 months to have two years worth?...It is called "The Cooledge Effect". Look it up.
BTW, Erickson published relatively little. But more has been published about him and his techniques than perhaps any other psychiatrist save for Frued and Jung. One of those books is now out of print.
I should have purchased a case of Tranceformations by Bandler and Grinder in 1990, when the book sold for $7.50.
They now sell for more than $100 each, depending on the market. Would that Tech Stocks had done as well!
Fox news... "God told emmanual to take elizabeth as his wife"
turn on fox new... a lady who knew him pretty well is being interviewed.