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To: Poohbah
Do you really believe PB hates ALL Jews? Aren't you in fact generalizing when you infer that because somebody butts heads with the Likudniks in Israel and America they must be bigots? PB has spoken highly of Barak's peace efforts. Why would he say anything complimentary of Isreal Labor if he's such a monster? Did you know Abe Foxman owes his job to PB? Pat recommended him for the job long ago.
80 posted on 03/11/2003 3:50:50 PM PST by KickRightRudder
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To: KickRightRudder
Do you really believe PB hates ALL Jews?

No, I said he hates an entire group of people. He probably knows and is friends with a few Jews--lots of bigots hate a group in general, but like specific members of that group in particular. It's weird, but it's human nature.

Aren't you in fact generalizing when you infer that because somebody butts heads with the Likudniks in Israel and America they must be bigots?

Pat Buchanan not only goes hammer-and-tongs at Israel, he complains about Wall Street--and he somehow manages to mention only those trading firms with Jewish-sounding names.

Pat Buchanan, if he isn't an actual anti-Semite, is making one hell of an effort to sound like one.

PB has spoken highly of Barak's peace efforts.

As have others, including those who just wish the Jews would shut up and get in the showers.

Why would he say anything complimentary of Isreal Labor if he's such a monster?

Apparently, he was quite happy with Israel as long as they were willing to commit national suicide.

Did you know Abe Foxman owes his job to PB? Pat recommended him for the job long ago.


81 posted on 03/11/2003 3:57:27 PM PST by Poohbah (Beware the fury of a patient man -- John Dryden)
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To: KickRightRudder
Pat only hates one type of nationalist: an Israeli nationalist.
He is a bigot who openly cavorts with commies.
Pat doesn't have the good sense of the American First Commitee, which shut down after Pearl Harbor.
I can't believe I voted and debated for him.
118 posted on 03/11/2003 5:51:16 PM PST by rmlew ("Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.")
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