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To: dennisw
I posed this question to hchutch; pray allow me to bounce it off of you.

Why is it that the people who claim to be the purest defenders of America's sovereignty also happen to be the ones who demand that America abrogate its right to engage in international intercourse with the nation of Israel, solely to appease the mythical "Arab street?"

77 posted on 03/11/2003 3:39:09 PM PST by Poohbah (Beware the fury of a patient man -- John Dryden)
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To: Poohbah
Why is it that the people who claim to be the purest defenders of America's sovereignty

You refer to Pat Buchanan and the people who think like him. Paleo-libertarians. They also think of themselves as conservative. 

also happen to be the ones who demand that America abrogate its right to engage in international intercourse with the nation of Israel, solely to appease the mythical "Arab street?"

Appeasing hundreds of millions of Muslims is their priority so we can get MidEast oil with minimum hassle. They want no problems with the Muslim world and will do anything to avoid stirring them up. Israel gets in the way and should be left to the Jihadist wolves. Many of them plain don't like Israel (and Jews) so this works out fine. Their ideas are consistent with a libertarianism that is non-interventionist, that just wants to engage in uncomplicated trade. With politics that stop at our borders.
Why do anything in the MidEast? Even Saddam has to sell his oil somewhere. So why waste our resources and military on this mass murderer?

The flaw in their logic is that if we abandon the MidEast tomorrow the Chinese and Russians will move into the vacuum. I could see China coming up with a plan to charge America an extra $20 per barrel of oil to break us.


96 posted on 03/11/2003 4:42:57 PM PST by dennisw (
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To: Poohbah
Why is it that the people who claim to be the purest defenders of America's sovereignty also happen to be the ones who demand that America abrogate its right to engage in international intercourse with the nation of Israel, solely to appease the mythical "Arab streetPlease!

Enough with is Arab street crap.

Where is this street?

Is this the same street where goat carcasses hang upside down...?

Where women in Colman tents haggle over the price of rotton fruit...?

Is this the street where stinking,lazy men with bad facial hair, take puffs off a bong that looks like an octopus?

Or perhaps this is the street where half-naked, half starved children run around fighting the stray dogs for scraps of food.

Is it the street where Mothers let their children throw rocks at tanks and let them strap C-4 to their bellies?

Maybe its the street where they burn American flags while wearing nike and Levis...?

The Street where they kill their daughters if they hold a boy's hand in public?

The street where fathers kidnap their American children and make them live in chains?


Rant off.

105 posted on 03/11/2003 5:04:48 PM PST by Jimmyclyde
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