A little historical recap..
1948....Israel gains independence by kicking the crap out of eygpt, jordan, syria and iraq.
1956...eygpt closes the Suez canal to all Israeli shipping, Israel in turn kicks the crap out of eygpt.
1967...jordan, eygpt, syria and the rest of the arab "forces" try to drive Israel into the sea.Israel finds out and kicks the crap out of all of them.(any one notice a pattern here?) Israel also reclaims lost territory from jordan. Jerusalem is our city.... bit@ch!!
1973...Nice sneak attack on Yom Kippur, fag arabs.But guess what happened? Israel kicks a@s again.
Pat and the rest of the jew haters need to understand something...
Israel is here to stay.
Pat better hope and pray that Israel dosen't go crazy and take over all the middle east.
Not to beat a dead horse but Pat is a dumba@s.
Thats egypt
They suck so bad I can't even spell them right.
The loon would have an absolute coronary if they did. .....Which is one of the reasons I hope they do.