And where, pray tell, do you meet these inconsiderate smokers? Can't be in a restaurant, or a shopping mall, or a theater, or a sports arena, or an office building... is it outdoors somewhere? Like a park?
Do they just walk right up to you and just start blowing it in your face? I wonder why anyone would do that? Wierd.
Or wait, don't tell me... it must be in bars? Maybe you should go to a bar that doesn't allow smoking. Oh, what's that you say? They all allow it, and you think it should be banned there too? Why not open your own bar, and ban smoking there yourself. There must be millions of folks that feel just as you do. You'll be rich, for sure!
That sucks. The only people who should be feeling targetted here on this thread and playing "victim" are the rude and inconsiderate smokers. I have consistently said that it is smokers who lack common courtesy that are the problem. The rest of you polite smokers are just being plain cranky and probably need a nicotine fix. So, go have a smoke, and b*tch about us non-smoker-goody-two-shoes, and get it out of your system. Come back when you can play nice.
We are just wondering what priority our right and desire for breathing clean air fits in with your freedom agenda....
Cheers, CC :)