I, as a smoker, would be the first to tell someone they were being inconsiderate with thier smoke. I, as a smoker, always check my surroundings before lighting up and ask anyone who may be close enough to be bothered by it if they mind my smoking.
But tell me, does that help me garner respect from the antis? Nope. They would like to see me tossed into the gallows with thieves and various other criminals because I dare pollute the sacred air around them. Heaven forbid! I imagine they must never break wind or eat garlic, for that would surely put them into a coma!!!
Maybe I should demand that the antismokers buy bubbles to live in. You know, like poor "Bubble Guy" on TV.
My demanding that they live in a bubble is as offensive and unreasonable as them demanding I give up my consumption of a perfectly legal product in a well ventilated area!
In all, smokers are geting fed up with being abused. We accepted the no smoking section in restaurants, we accepted the no smoking in office buildings and airplanes, we accepted the complete elimination of smoking in most airports, sports arenas, theatres, stores, eateries, etc. Now, they want us to stop smoking in our own homes!!??
Enough is enough! If your nose is that sensitive where it should determine the lifestyle of other Americans, you SHOULD be placed in a bubble. Preferably one with IDIOT spray painted on the outside.