To: Nov3
Pit bulls are OK IF you train them. Most people don't have that desire. They just want a scary dog.
37 posted on
03/05/2003 6:51:52 AM PST by
(Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.)
To: AppyPappy
Every one of these monsters should be exterminated, the entire breed needs to go away. My life will not be complete until I either run one of these demons over, or put a slug in its thick cranium.
To: AppyPappy
Most people don't have that desire. They just want a scary dog. The morons that own these dogs now and the breeding practices are the problem. It is amazing there isn't more carnage. It used to read in dog books that pits made lousy watch dogs because of their temperment and lack of territorality. That is obviously no longer the case with the present state of this breed. Dobermans were inbred during the 70's in the same way by the same class of dog owning morons.
Just what is it about with these people owning a big dog?
42 posted on
03/05/2003 7:01:47 AM PST by
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