A few comments
How many shots were fired at the three dogs?
How many shots scored?
Only ONE dog was killed by the shots??!!?!?!
Does this give anyone the idea that Rottwiellers are NOT exactly the friendliest, most docile, most "pet-like" or tamest animal on the face of the earth? Do I have to remind the readers of the power and impact energy of a large caliber pistol slug?
These people who own these dogs should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, IMHO, the same way the law would prosecute any "user of a deadly weapon" in a crime, because this is a crime, a crime of negligence and stupidity.
Speaking strictly for myself, I do NOT like big dogs, period, especially around children. Animals are by nature NOT TAME, and are unpredictable at best. I'm sure a ton of people with Fidos and Spots will disagree with me, so what? Animals have minds, and are therefore unpredictable in any situation, trained or not. I refuse to listen to those who own and defend deadly animals in cases like these.