To: Iron Eagle
FLASH: The 9th Circuit Declares the Declaration of Independence null and void, given that it cites God and God-granted rights as the basis for Independence.
2 posted on
02/28/2003 11:42:52 AM PST by
Lunatic Fringe
(When news breaks, we fix it!)
To: Lunatic Fringe
Which religion does "under God" endorse? Leaving the words out at the demands of an atheist endorses the religion of atheism, doesn't it? "All of the above" is just not always an option. Banning God endorses atheism more than "under God" endorses any particular religion.
The judicial activists strike again.
To: Lunatic Fringe
Not to mention that the Constitution itself must be declared unconstitutional because it uses the phrase "Year of our Lord"!
To: Lunatic Fringe
No less The Constitution to " the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity...."
15 posted on
02/28/2003 11:59:26 AM PST by
To: Lunatic Fringe
...God and God-granted rights as the basis for IndependenceActually, the DofI cites a "Creator", not God. So whether you believe that man was greated by nature or by a supernatural being, you're covered. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson