From my Berkeley and UCLA related blog, which everyone should go enjoy, especially when the campus lefties stop by:
The Berkeley College Republicans (BCR) staged an affirmative action bake sale today, in the trend started by the Bruin College Republicans (BCR #2). Now, before anyone goes apeshit, the idea has been kicked around for a few years, and is coming to a head now that
Grutter v. Bollinger and
Gratz v. Bollinger are promising to end racism in college admissions once and for all.
The title does not refer to the copying of the bake sale. Rather, it refers to a part of
this San Francisco Chronicle writeup of it, which includes a reaction by the state Democratic Party chair Art Torres. Here's what he said:
"[it] is a shame Republican students at Berkeley and UCLA have chosen to mimic the extreme views of their Republican leaders."
Now, let's go back in time to
this Daily Bruin article that covered the BCR #2 bake sale, and see what Torres had to say:
"It is a shame that Republicans at UCLA have chosen to mimic the extreme views of their Republican leaders."
So, my question is simple. Is Art Torres too uncreative to deal with the issue again, and thus simply amended his previous PR memo on the subject, or was the Chronicle reporter too lazy to actually call for comment, and so made a little addition herself?
Incidentally, as long as Art is busy denouncing the "extremist" and "racist" views of Republican leaders, let's take a look at a Democratic leader, shall we? No, I'm not talking about
Senator Robert Byrd, a (former? he's never renouced his membership) Grand Kleagle of the KKK, whom you can see in the movie "Gods and Generals" playing a Confederate general. No, this is much more ironic.
listen to Art Torres' own racist ranting, including the gem that California Proposition 187 was "the last gasp of white America." which is towards the end of that real audio clip.
So let's review who the racists are. Are they those who want all races to be treated the same, and are not willing to give handouts or lower expectations on account of skin color (the Republicans), or those who insist on forever classifying people according to the color of their skin, stirring up ethnic hatred, and celebrating what they see as the crushing of another ethnic group (Torres and the Democrats)?
UPDATE: This just in from several Clam correspondents at the bake sale: Hoku Jeffrey, leader of
BAMN, a radical pro-affirmative action group that routinely refers to the potential outlawing of affirmative action as "a return to
Plessy v. Ferguson," reportedly commented, to a television camera, about the bake sale with the statement "This is so unfair! They're charging different prices based on someone's skin color!"
Mr. Jeffery did not address how that was different than, say,
adding 20 points to an admission index based on someone's skin color, a policy that Hoku vehemently supports. Mr. Jeffery is an eighth year undergraduate ethnic studies major, although he lied to reporters and said that he was a fourth year student.