That's easy for you and easy for me, but most users wouldn't have a clue as to how to do such a thing. I anticipate that within 2 years RedHat and the other major Linux installations will be easier to configure than Microsoft and that Microsoft will be adopting Linux solutions to their own problems. We've already seen that tact taken with the .NET programming languages which, if used correctly, can eliminate DLL Hell caused by COM registry issues. IMHO, COM was designed by a demon.
What part of advanced features didn't you understand?
Most people may not have a clue about how to do such a thing, but then, most users won't ever need to. The video card works normally for the majority of purposes just fine with the default drivers, including high resolution, color depth, virtual desktops, OpenGL and anti-aliased fonts.
I export my TV output to a web server so that others on my network can watch TV. This requires some advanced video drivers.
I anticipate that within 2 years RedHat and the other major Linux installations will be easier to configure than Microsoft and that Microsoft will be adopting Linux solutions to their own problems.
Linux installation is already easier than Microsoft.
We've already seen that tact taken with the .NET programming languages which, if used correctly, can eliminate DLL Hell caused by COM registry issues. IMHO, COM was designed by a demon.
.NET is no better. .NET retains all of COMs problems and introduces many new ones. This is commonly called "backward combatibility" and is generally considered to be a bad thing. Of course, as with all of the other bad things Microsoft has done, they don't seem to care.