Exactly, OWK.
As I stated... the ONLY moral system which allows EACH individual to act in accordance with his own will, is one which prohibits the initiation of force or fraud.
This is lame, especially for you. It sounds like the Wiccan or Satanist crap that those boogers throw out there. Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law...or do as thou wilt, an that ye harm none.
At best you are putting forth a pseudo-religion, or you are being unbelievably dense just to carry on a meaningless argument.
The question, at the risk of repeating myself in a myriad of ways, is WHAT stops you from initiating force, fraud, cheating, stealing, or suing an insurance company because you spilled hot coffee on yourself?
What keeps you from taking paper clips or copy paper or even rubber bands home from the office since your boss has so much more money than you do?
Get real here.
The answer is consistency. Moral absolutism requires consistency which obviously isn't found in the "it's okay in that case because god wanted it" answers. However, absolutism is found in the following: One doesn't initiate force because when one accepts that it's right to initiate force one must also accept that it is right to have force initiated upon oneself.
To remain consistent, if you believe that murder is okay then you must also believe that it is okay for someone to murder you. If you believe that stealing is okay then you must also believe that it is okay for someone to steal from you.
So how can morals exist without a god? Simple, I don't want someone to murder me so I know that murder is wrong. I don't want someone to sleep with my wife so I know that it's wrong to sleep with someone else's. I don't want someone to burglarize my home so I know that it's wrong to break into another's house and steal from them.