Also, in speaking about our W, he said he didn't know what to expect of Bush when he was first elected, but he has really grown to like and respect him. He is protecting us, and he really got a lousy deal handed to him, especially 9/11 and after. I wish I could remember who said this, it was just today, but much earlier so I've already forgotten (!)--but the person said that no president since Abe Lincoln has had to deal with so much so quickly as W.
The one enormous difference between what Lincoln inherited and what Bush inherited is that Lincoln had the advantage of seeing the seeds being sown, the poisonous plant growing, and the harvest about ready. W got clobbered without the gradual build up. So in a sense, Lincoln was dealt a hand that he might well have expected; talk of secession was rampant by election time. On that point, I think W has had a harder task. But in the end, there are a lot of things that cannot be compared ... . Each man was certainly appointed by God for his hour -- for our country's sake.
I'm so glad W is behind the wheel.