I pulled into DeeCeeTown...met Dubyuh 'bout half past ten...
"Patriot, help US, please"..."Sir, I'll do my best!!"
"Hey Mudboy, can you tell me, how to counteract The Left?!"
MUD just grinned )8^D!! and shook his hand, "Yep!!" was all I said!!
Take the load off, Dubyuh, leave Ol' Slick fer ME!!
Take the load off, Ashcroft...and...and...and...
You put the load...put the load...Right on ME!! (ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-aheee...)
Gathered up my facts...Willie Clinton gots no place to hide!!
Folks saw MUD's karma...and James Carville walkin' side by side...
MUD said, "Hey Carville...come on, you/me throwin' down!!"
James said, "NO...I fear ya, bro...but Mary'll stick aroun'!!"
Take the load off, Fuzzball...I'll do Slick fer FRee!!
Take the load off, Limbaugh...and...and...and...
You hand the ball...PASS the damn BALL to ME!! (ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-aheee...)
Stalkin' down McAuliffe...US FReeper Boyz, we don't play!!
Left fears the Truth...next election is RAT's Judgement Day!!
The Truth, my FRiends...we shall make the Leftists[/Med'yuh/Soc'lists] see!!
MUD says, "Country's worth savin', folks, won't you help stand against Left's Tyranny?!!"
Take the load off, Poohbah...strike a blow fer FRee!!
Take the load off, ModSquad...and...and...and...
Please put the load Right on me!!
Willie's Jesters hounded me...but I fought them with my thoughts...
Left said, "We would fix yer A$$, but MUD don't break no laws!!"
MUD said, "Wait a minute, Agent...you know MUD's a Peaceful Man."
He said, "That's Okay, Boy, I sure pray you git that pr**k!!!"
Take the load off, Country...Fer OUR Country, FReep!!
Take the load off, FReepers...and...and...and...
Just put the load, put the load, Right on ME!! (ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-aheee...)
Get your COURAGE UP...folks, let's FReep Slick fer Left's crimes!!
The Left is sinking low, and I do believe it's time...
To take back this Great Nation...y'all know we'll have some fun!!
HOO sent me here with her FReegards fer everyone!!
Take the load off, Ashcroft...INDICT SLICK WILLIE!!!
Take the load off, Congress...and...and...and...
Just Fight Dem 'Ho's, Justice knows...RE-IMPEACH!!
Mudboy Slim (26 October 2001)
My youngest brother's wife's being induced today at 6:00 am...The Prescient One says it's gonna be a Bouncin'BabyBOY!!
Boris...YOU da Man!! Becky...YOU da WO-Man!!
1 posted on 10/26/2001 6:22 AM EDT by Mudboy Slim (Justice@int.Negotiable!!)
BabyNate's now a happy, healthy, and LARGE BOY...MUD
BTW...Anybody git thru to Limbaugh yet to ask him to ANNOUNCE THE FReeper's Rally on the EIB!!!?!!
1-800-282-2882...I'm taping and will AUTOMATICALLY deign the First FReeper to Git Thru to Rush and Announce the Rally a BlackCelebrityJudge with no InternProcess Required!!!! Make sure you mention "FreeRepublic.com", "Jim Robinson", and yer ScreenName to claim yer prize.