Well yea...
But AM?
How "old" can an "old friend" who's only 30 really be?? {g}
(Lemme know what's on your mind...)
BTW; when you're at the pub enjoying grog & laughing it up?
It's bound to happen a Liberal-Socialist will attempt to approach you for one thing or another when they find out what you do, OK?
Just remember these type of people are unbelievably spiteful & have long memories.
The most dangerous aspect of a Liberal-Socialist is thier passive aggressive nature.
There's such a thing as being too honest with a Liberal-Socialist & discretion's always the better part of valor. Always.
Like Gen Patton once said, "There's no honor in dying for your country. Make the other poor SOB die for their country."
Follow the analogy as it applies to your recent experience?
...the word "make" is the whole trick.
Oh yes, my FRiend, I capiche loud and clear on that one!! You oughtta see me sittin' at a bar drawing out the Lib'rals as we share a brewskis, brats, and stoagies, my FRiend...they have no idea what they're dealing with until they are too far into the conversation to git out of it without lookin' like a bloody fool, so some of Dems strike out in MUD's direction and then--in self-defense, mind you--I personally teach them what it's like to REALLY leave a Pub lookin' like a BloodyFool!!
Ahhh, those were the days...I miss my anonymity sometimes...MUD