To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
rintense, ohioWfan, howlin, Miss Marple, mhking, TrueBlackman, johnhuang2, and kayak.
There are many others but my mind's drawing a blank.
A special shout out to dware for a most unique fundraising with his mussel eating challenge.
83 posted on
02/22/2003 1:10:28 PM PST by
To: Vol2727; rintense; ohioWfan; azGOPgal; reDublican
I gotta ditto the one for Rintense. The RWP is one of the reasons I'm here now. Her dedication for some of us addicts is why I haven't gone on a three state spree....
Now my other would be OhioWfan. Her logic and dedication to all things W (even without being blinded) makes my day.
Finally, to a youngin' out in in AZ, who is starting to spread her conservative wings in the liberal prisons known as Institution of Higher Learning, and is seeing the moras of today's world and still desiring to do her duty for others! (and reDublican, who is a hoot!)
90 posted on
02/22/2003 1:20:54 PM PST by
(Part of the Gonzo News Service)
To: Vol2727
Remembered a couple more: PhiKapMom and MadIvan.
131 posted on
02/22/2003 2:58:08 PM PST by
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