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To: Remedy
You equate the killing of an adult with the killing of a fetus? You equate the evoked terror, termination of a character, a personality, a creature with awareness of its mortality and the suffering and end it is to endure with the killing of a tabula rasa, unaware of its own suffering or even existence? You value a creature who's innocence is a result lack of will, lack of ability to know, choose, or act, over an an adult who is somehow considered less valuable because its fallible experience and understanding has led it, invariably, to make some bad decisions and thus drop into the less valuable, defiled category of the sub-innocent?

You set up a value system whereby any human fetus is of greater value than than all adults because of relative innocence. Such a system would lead to situations where a mother would be sacrificed for the benefit of the more innocent fetus. It would mean the tragedy and terror of a vast worldwide deadly plague--worse than any the world has known--is less than the tragedy of the widespread spontaneous abortions that women who wish to get pregnant have always experienced--often without even knowing. It would mandate enormous resources to stopping the "scourge" of the spontaneous abortion.

Elective abortion is appalling. Perhaps it should be illegal. But it is sick to compare it to the Nazi holocaust.
32 posted on 02/22/2003 8:22:03 AM PST by beavus
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To: beavus;
You have so many GROSS CONCEPTUAL ERRORS, it would take…. :

Nazi abortion correlation the similarities of Nazi activities and ...

Then: The castle pictured above, was one of the places where the NAZI T-4 program was carried out. T-4 was a forced euthenasia program that targeted the mentally handicapped and the physically disabled and deformed. The gas chambers here became the model for the death camps.The euthenasia program was part of the larger NAZI eugenics program which evolved into 'The Final Solution' campaign we now call the NAZI Holocaust.

Now: The preborn child is often targeted for death if tests show that it may have a physical or mental handicap. This little one was killed by a suction abortion. The American eugenics program has no central sponsor but several big guns, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League and the National Abortion Federation.

Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a NAZI symphathiser and an ardent proponent of Eugenics. She was also known for her strong anti-black sentiments and geared her eugenicists efforts towards ahnialating the black race in America. The combined forces of these individuals and groups make up the 'Pro-Choice' campaign, a thinly veiled 'Final Solution' for the unwanted unborn child.

Then:To achieve the 'Final solution of the Jewish question in Europe', the NAZIs long before had put into motion a process to 'de-humanize'
the Jewish people. It was argued that the Jews were a sort of 'sub strata' of the human species and that these 'non-humans' could be done away with wholesale and without any moral consequence.

Now: To achieve abortion on demand, a deliberate campaign was set into motion to de-humanize the preborn child. The argument was made that the preborn child was anything but human. It was a 'zygote', 'blob of tissue', 'fetus', 'product of conception' etc. etc. It was argued that these 'non-humans' could be done away with if one so chose, and without any moral consequence. This little one was aborted after 14 weeks gestation.

Then: The NAZI SS chose who would live and who would die. Little children, the infirm, the old, the weak were inevitably sent to the gas.
Within hours, their remains were burned in ovens or thrown into mass graves.

Now: Dr's and mothers choose who will live and who will die. Within hours, their little remains will be burned in ovens,ground up, or thrown into a dumpster.

Then: The NAZIs used several methods of eliminating their 'non-humans'. Gas, torture, injection, etc. This man is about to be summarily executed
by an SS soldier with a pistol.

Now:Dr. 's have perfected several methods of eliminating these 'non-humans'. Saline injection, suction, brain suction. This one was dismembered alive in-utero.

Then: Many untold numbers resisted Hitler and the Third Reich's attempt to rule Europe with an iron fist and eventually conquer the world. They were among the first to fight and resist Hitler's 'Final Solution of the Jewish question in Europe'. They were viewed by Hitler and the Third Reich as enemies of the Reich, contemptable traitors worthy of torture and death. Pictured above were members of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. All the resisters in this picture were sent to the gas.

Now: Untold numbers resist Pro-Abortion groups attempts to rule over the abortion issue with an iron fist and eventually crush all abortion resistance. These modern day resisters continue to be the first and last line of defense for the un-born child. They are viewed by ALL in the abortion movement and many in our government, our courts, our churches and large segments of the populace as enemies of this present order, contemptable traitors to the cause of womans liberation, worthy of abuse, harrasment, lawsuits and arrest. Pictured above, Joseph Scheidler, Executive Director of the Chicago based Pro-Life Action League. On April 20th, 1998, a federal jury ruled in favor of a NOW lawsuit naming Mr. Scheidler and others as conspirators guilty of violating the Federal RICO law, (Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act). In simple english, a federal jury said that peaceful civil pro-life protestors were on the same par as mobsters and others involved in racketeering!

Then: Men, woman and even children resisted the NAZI's in many ways. The resistance was as covert as silent prayers said in secret places and as overt as direct confrontation in the Warsaw ghetto uprising and revolts in the concentration camps where the killing chambers were.

Now: Men, woman and even children resist the abortion machine. Their resistance is as covert as silent prayers said in secret places and as overt as direct confrontation at the killing chambers. In cases of mid to late term abortions, former abortion clinic nurses and former abortionists have stated that they observed the unborn child RESISTING the attempts of the abortionists attempts to grab hold of a leg or arm with instruments or to be poked with a needle. They have witnessed this via ultra-sound imaging.

Then: The SS used several means for disposal of the dead: mass graves and cremation were used most often.

Now: Abortionists use several methods of disposal including sale of tissue, cremation, or grinding (in a garbage disposal). Sometimes they just put the baby in the garbage: these little ones were found in a dumpster behind an abortion clinic.


Convince the author of Between Two Holocausts,Bonnie Chernin Rogoff, Founder, Pro Life issues from Jews For Life
Jews For Life is an organization created to reflect the traditional Jewish pro-life perspective on abortion. Our fundamental purpose is to enlighten and inform our readers about the tragic consequences that have befallen women and our culture since Roe v. Wade was enacted into law. Jews For Life maintains that life, both born and unborn, is sacred and worthy of protection.


I just visited the only former abortion mill turned Memorial in the country: National American Holocaust Memorial in Baton Rouge, LA. 30,000 babies died there from 1986 to 1994. It reopened May 12, 1994 as the only Holocaust Memorial of it's kind in the United States. It is also a center of Christian Pro-Life activity, providing services to help women in crisis pregnancies.

The tables and killing equipment are there just like the day it closed. There is blood on the floor in one room, all the tools of death sitting (quitely).

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests For Life, said the second Mass there after it became the Memorial. There are pictures of Father Frank standing in the former execution rooms holding some of the equipment! Unbelievable. I felt like I was walking in a nightmare.

America! You have become deadlier than Nazi Germany and Stalins' Russia combined (42,000,000+ million aborted America citizens since 1973, growing daily) But you just keep pushing your baskets through Wal-Mart like: "nuthin's happening-dude" we're the land of Liberty, everything is just fine.

6 posted on 01/10/2003 10:32 PM EST by

The Moral Question of Abortion

Is Abortion Murder?

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act (H.R. 503) recognizes unborn children as victims of federally prohibited crimes of violence. If someone injures or kills an unborn child while committing a violent federal crime against a pregnant woman, the assailant will be charged with a separate offense on behalf of the unborn child. The bill simply puts federal law behind the common sense recognition that when a criminal attacks a pregnant woman, and injures or kills her unborn child, he has claimed two human victims. The House passed H.R. 503 / vote: 252-172 April 26, 2001

Fetal Psychology

Behaviorally speaking, there's little difference between a newborn baby and a 32-week-old fetus. A new wave of research suggests that the fetus can feel, dream, even enjoy The Cat in the Hat. The abortion debate may never be the same.

As if overturning the common conception of infancy weren't enough, scientists are creating a startling new picture of intelligent life in the womb. Among the revelations:

The Emerging Reality of Fetal Pain in Late Abortion The disturbing concept that an unborn child feels pain while being destroyed has once again entered the public conscience in England, when a pro-choice fetal researcher suggested that anesthesia should be given to comfort the fetus from pain from abortions as early as 17 weeks gestation. : New Ultrasound Gives Womb With a View As early as the seventh week of pregnancy, they provide a window parents have never had, and an early opportunity to bond.

The scan provides completely different information from the 2-D black and white ultrasound images that all women are offered at 12 and 20 weeks of pregnancy," said Stuart Campbell, head of obstetrics and gynecology at St. George's Hospital Medical School. "The 2-D scan is excellent at showing the structure of the internal organs but the [more-detailed scan] gives better views of the surface features.

The Silent Scream A Realtime ultrasound video tape and movie of a 12-week suction abortion is commercially available as, The Silent Scream, narrated by Dr. B. Nathanson, a former abortionist. It dramatically, but factually, shows the pre-born baby dodging the suction instrument time after time, while its heartbeat doubles in rate. When finally caught, its body being dismembered, the baby's mouth clearly opens wide - hence, the title (available from American Portrait Films, P.O. Box 19266, Cleveland, OH 44119, 216-531-8600). Proabortionists have attempted to discredit this film. A well documented paper refuting their charges is available from National Right to Life, 419 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004.

After showing this film to thousands of women contemplating an abortion, we can testify to its powerful impact on them to choose life for their preborn child.

Click Here to See What Abortion Looks Like From the inception of his pro-life work, Fr. Frank Pavone has been urging the mass media to show the American people what an abortion is. Abortion is a reality which is so horrific that words alone can never convey its meaning.

CBR / Abortion Pictures The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) is working to establish prenatal justice and the right to life for the unborn, the disabled, the infirm, the aged and all vulnerable peoples through education and the development of cutting edge educational resources.

Abortion Videos

Medical Evidence that a Child Feels Pain

36 posted on 02/22/2003 12:55:45 PM PST by Remedy
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To: beavus
I believe Remedy did respond more than adequately to your post, but since you feel more is required I will give it a try.

You equate the killing of an adult with the killing of a fetus? You equate the evoked terror, termination of a character, a personality, a creature with awareness of its mortality and the suffering and end it is to endure with the killing of a tabula rasa, unaware of its own suffering or even existence?

This is an argument for legalizing infanticide. Infants have not developed any character, they are essentially amoral beings, and to some extent they are not fully self-conscious, in that they do not yet have a well developed self image separate from their mother. This off course does not mean they are not conscious, which they surely are, as science and premature births have proven, third trimester fetuses are also conscious and experience pain. Parts of your argument can also apply to the legalization of the killing of the unconscious. Unconscious adults are not self aware, they are not moral beings while unconscious, they exhibit no character, they do not experience pain and they are completely unaware of their future whether positive or negative. Using your argument, should it not be legal to kill an unconscious person, who has a chance of regaining consciousness, simply beacuse they are at the moment unconscious? I think, not. Regarding the tabula rosa idea, it has been largely discredited by modern psychology. Much of who we are personality wise is determined by genetics. Yes we still make choices and are influenced by our environment, but a significant part of who a zygote will become is determined by its unigue genetics, which consequently have potential to add something very unique to society.

You value a creature who's innocence is a result lack of will, lack of ability to know, choose, or act, over an an adult who is somehow considered less valuable because its fallible experience and understanding has led it, invariably, to make some bad decisions and thus drop into the less valuable, defiled category of the sub-innocent?

I don't believe Remedy ever said any such thing. Why shouldn't a baby have the same right to make decisions and enjoy life, as an adult does? A murdered adult, has at least had the opportunity to enjoy life up until the point of the murder, whereas the aborted baby has not even been allowed to breathe his or her first breath. Why is it that we mourn more for the death of a child than we do for the death of an elderly person? It is simply beacuse the elderly person has had a chance to experience life, while the child hasn't. The same applies even more so to aborted babies.

You set up a value system whereby any human fetus is of greater value than than all adults because of relative innocence. Such a system would lead to situations where a mother would be sacrificed for the benefit of the more innocent fetus. It would mean the tragedy and terror of a vast worldwide deadly plague--worse than any the world has known--is less than the tragedy of the widespread spontaneous abortions that women who wish to get pregnant have always experienced--often without even knowing. It would mandate enormous resources to stopping the "scourge" of the spontaneous abortion.

Here you make a good point, but it does not forward your case. It is true from the pro-life perspective, that spontaneous abortions are a tragedy, and many women who experience them would agree they are tragic and traumatic. Should we spend milions of dollars, if not billions, trying to end miscarriages. Yes of course and we are already doing so with premature C-sections and operations on fetuses in the womb. But this has nothing to do with aborion, which is a decision to unnaturally end a fetus's life, making it a preventable death,simply by making the correct choice. This is obviously, the same distinction between a plague we are unable to stop and the choice of the Nazi's to kill Jews and others.

Such a system would lead to situations where a mother would be sacrificed for the benefit of the more innocent fetus.

This sentence deserves special attention. Parents often risk their life for their children, and sometimes voluntarily give up their own life to save a child. To some this seems unnatural, but other call it unselfish love.

Elective abortion is appalling. Perhaps it should be illegal. But it is sick to compare it to the Nazi holocaust.

I agree elective abortion is appalling. It should be made illegal. If we can agree, that 3rd trimester abortions are essentially wrong and equivalent to murdering an infant, then abortion since Roe vs Wade is comparable to the Holocaust. If only 5% of all abortions are in the 3rd trimester, then there have been 2.25 million 3rd trimester abortions in the US since Roe vs Wade. This is probably a fraction of the worldwide number of 3rd trimester abortions during the same period. Sadly, abortion is comparable to the Holocaust.

Just keep the reach of your bloody ideology away from my wife in case she should have a complicated pregnancy or delivery. I don't want your cult groupies crying for the sacrifice of, or increased risk to, my wife for the sake of the fetus. My wife means MORE to me than our unborn child.

I'll avoid the temptation to name call and simply say this. In this day and age, the chance of any woman, having a life threatening pregnancy is miniscule, with the exception of a tubal pregnancy, in which case the baby has no chance of living, without further advances in medicine. So you are willing to look the other way while millions of babies are murdered mostly for convenience, simply to keep open the abortion option in the highly unlikely case that your wife happens to have a life threatening pregnancy, where an abortion is the only way to spare her life. Since you like hypotheticals so much, here's one. Your wife has an incurable liver disease, and the only way to save her is a liver transplant. She is far down on the waiting list, so she decides to get pregnant so she can bear a child that will be a liver donor to her. Is it moral? Surely her life is more valuable than the baby's, at least in your reasoning.

50 posted on 02/22/2003 3:57:19 PM PST by Pres Raygun
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