Don't be misled by the ads. I think they are more a reflection of wealth than the weather or the location. SD is a very normal place, filled with normal people. My wife and I spent the first nine years of our marriage in Northern Cal, Menlo Park. Nice place, desirable place to live. Yet, we're a Christian family with a traditional bent to our lives. She never felt at home up there. Too many frantic lives, too many women who cared more about their careers than their children, etc.
After seven years in SD, this is home. And we love it here. So come to Legoland and see how pleasant it all is. If you come in winter, bring a coat because Florida is a lot warmer than So Cal in the wintertime. We have oodles of sun but the sea breezes and the temperature is very cool -- much like a NY November. Lows in the low 40s, highs in the low 60s.
Glad to hear I got the wrong impresson about SD.
She Who Must Be Obeyed is targeting May for Legoland, as that fits in with her business travel plans. Don't get me started...:)