To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Thanks RC.
BTW I tuned into C-SPAN-2 on .org a few minutes ago -- Carol Moseley Braun! Yeee-hooo. As our wonderful former Attorney General Reno did in Florida, she should be blazing trails for a Hillarious Emily List defeat in 2008....
78 posted on
02/19/2003 11:41:46 AM PST by
(Christ-informed, American constitutional republic: Yes. Libertarian & objectivist revisionisms: No.)
To: unspun
Did you see the pics of CMB's press conference with only ONE person in, if only that could have been a Freeper....
80 posted on
02/19/2003 11:44:35 AM PST by
To: unspun
You're welcome, unspun. Re. Carole Mosley Braun, that public trough is more addictive than fast food or tobacco, imho. We need a scientific study. (^:
103 posted on
02/19/2003 2:10:26 PM PST by
Ragtime Cowgirl
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