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Space Shuttle Columbia

Posted on 02/19/2003 3:08:08 AM PST by mo


HAARP AND SPACESHIP COLUMBIA -- THAT COLD SATURDAY MORNING What happened to the Columbia Space Shuttle and why NASA is mis-leading the public with easily hoaxed information.

A Scientific Explanation

The partly-university and partly-military HAARP facility has very lax security, as shown by the pictures and text on their own website. It is only just a very large shortwave radio transmitter in Gakona, Alaska used for university research, isn't it? That's what they say.

For several years, beginning about 1998, HAARP is normally turned on during the summer months, starting several hours before midnight. They are doing atmospheric auroral zone research for several hours each night when the sky is very dark, during that part of the month when the bright moon is below the horizon. That is the "University Research" mode. The shortwave transmitter pulses may have both long and short pulses with about equal-length spaces in between, and the pulse lengths may vary, depending on the academic research experiment, from 3 to 30 seconds.

During the "Navy Deep-Sea Communication" operational mode, the shortwave radio pulses are all, with military precision, exactly 6.25 seconds long with either exactly 15 or 30 second spaces between pulses. Those long and short binary spaces in between the pulses are actually the coded message. Something like the dits and dahs of very slow Morse code. In this mode, the power is usually at maximum. Unlike the research mode, which mostly runs at night, the US Navy communication mode can be at any time of the day or night, any month of the year. The transmissions may run continuously for about 10 to 30 hours, or from one to several days.

These communication pulses interact with the earth's magnetic field near the northern auroral zone. These very slow interactions, taking hours to send a short message, can be sensed by special magnetometer receivers in the US nuclear submarines miles deep below the ocean surface. This HAARP communication mode can operate far deeper into the ocean than any other nation can penetrate, so only US submarines are capable of long-term full-stealth mode, out of reach far below all other nation's submarines. All the while, still staying in communication with US Navy command headquarters.

Following the 9-11 World Trade Center attack, and just minutes after the President declared the highest Defense Condition Four (DefCon4), HAARP began transmitting at highest power for 18 hours in "deep-sea communication" mode. This is the only way to communicate the DefCon4 condition and updated battle commands to the US nuclear submarines on station miles deep in the ocean.

The "Air Force Missile Defense Shield" mode is usually heard as 4 or 5 second pulses about 20 seconds apart. The pulses also are modulated with circular polarization, changing in tone slightly faster or slower than the 1 Hz base frequency. This results in hearing sounds, which I call repeated "zooo-eep" sounds going upward or "zaah-oownd" sounds going downward. This causes very fast relativistic electrons or ions to be sprayed into outer space arcing from north to south magnetic pole, from the ionosphere, either upward to the magnetosphere, or downward from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere. These particles, moving at nearly the speed of light, stay only in the vacuum of space and are stopped whenever they hit the atmosphere. The focused fast moving particles can penetrate and damage the electronics of an incoming nuclear missile warhead and cause the missile to spin out of control and burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.

The damage effect is similar to the strong radiation from a nearby nuclear explosion. Thus the "missile shield" mode can quickly destroy incoming missiles almost anywhere in the world even before they re-enter the atmosphere.

The graduate student technical research reports on the HAARP website for the summer study programs of 1999 and 2000 reveal they have succeeded in producing particle flow along "certain magnetic field lines." This is a secretive or obtuse way of saying that they have finally implemented a "focused missile defense shield" mode.

The staffers at HAARP are several full time professional radio electronics operators and a number of part-time professors and graduate research students. They all have access to the facility which is the key to the back door of the small cafeteria/control room building. The HAARP facility does not even have a fence around it.

CAUTION: What follows contains speculative material. One of the HAARP graduate students, Mustava Grufti, gets up in the middle of the night, and goes to work all by himself at 4:00 AM on a very cold Saturday Alaska winter morning. They usually don't work on the weekends, especially not in the frigid mid-winter.

He turns on the cold diesel generators which produce the electrical power for the large radio system and starts up the transmitters. He plugs into the transmitter control computer the old research program he had worked on for testing the Air Force missile shield mode. This fires a narrow cloud of relativistic particles into space from Alaska, above the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean along the western coast of the US, to the opposite magnetic mirror site just above the southern auroral zone near New Zealand. He leaves the transmitter running for 3 hours. Then, Mustava turns everything off and goes back home to sleep, in the dark of the long Alaska arctic-winter night.

It was a very cold Saturday morning. The University of Alaska, Fairbanks, where Mustava is a research associate assigned to the HAARP project, knows that he is in the US on a temporary F1 student visa from Pakistan. They do not know that he also is a member of Al-Qaida. Mustava was only told to turn on the transmitter to knock out a bothersome US communication satellite which had been broadcasting anti-Muslim TV programs and propaganda. Mustava doesn't follow the news and knows nothing about any space shuttle flight. He was only told the time and direction to transmit. It was 4:15 AM PST Saturday morning, Feb 1, 2003, just about 90 minutes before Columbia enters the atmosphere over California. Mustava, knowing he might be doing something wrong, makes no entry into the HAARP transmitter logbook.

Later, the US Navy, which administrates all HAARP operations, when asked about HAARP possibly transmitting while shuttle Columbia was landing, only says, "It wasn't us. We weren't even on the air." They check their logbook and show proof: there is no record of any HAARP transmissions on Feb 1, 2003. (Note: I have been monitoring and logging all HAARP transmissions since the year 2000. HAARP was, in fact, transmitting from 4:15 AM to about 7:20 AM PST in missile defense mode on Saturday Feb 1, 2003. That was the first HAARP transmission since late 2002. Columbia re-entered the atmosphere over California at 5:53 AM PST, exactly in the middle between those two times.)

It's a cold Saturday morning over the dark Indian Ocean as Columbia fires its rockets to drop from orbit and begin its path into the atmosphere over California. About 5:40 AM, over the eastern Pacific Ocean nearing California, while still in space, Columbia enters into an invisible cloud of extremely high radiation spewing southward from Gakona, Alaska. The cloud of relativistic electrons penetrate deeply into Columbia, instantly causing strange heating on the northern or left side of the spacecraft toward Alaska, both on the left wing and even on the upper left side of the craft near the left cargo bay door. Because the radiation cloud is coming from the northern side, not from below, only the left side of Columbia is seriously affected at first. Columbia's commander reports the anomalous low-level gradual heating of all temperature sensors on the left side of the craft to the NASA ground communicator. The NASA communicator acknowledges that they received the messages about the heating on the left side. And Commander Rick Husband, responds, "Roger, bu..." Suddenly his voice and all radio communications with the shuttle are broken off in mid-sentence. The cloud of radiation shooting from Alaska continues to penetrate into Columbia. Over central California, numerous left wing temperature sensors all suddenly stop working. Just before they failed, the semiconductor temperature sensors did not show extreme high temperature or indicate burning up. They all suddenly went off-scale as if high radiation had simply shorted them out.

Minutes later, somewhere over Nevada, now safely below the radiation cloud above the atmosphere, the effects of the short but severe radiation exposure are now becoming apparent. The attitude control computer, which positions the spacecraft to glide like an airplane to a safe landing, starts showing signs of over-correcting. The control computer and its backup can no longer calculate a proper flight path. The data in the computer memories was corrupted by the severe radiation and Columbia begins to wander erratically left and right beyond its normal range.

Over northern Arizona, the effects of the radiation damage are now enormous, as Columbia seems to be following some mythical computerized flight path made up only from bad data bits. Then all data links are cut off, and most all on-board electronic devices cease to function. The spacecraft begins to slowly tumble and twist end-over-end out of control. Over eastern New Mexico, Columbia is no longer soaring as a glider to a welcomed soft landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It is morphing into a flaming meteoric, billion-dollar fireball, streaking ever swiftly downward toward destiny in east Texas with seven human beings inside.

Later, based on the US Navy assurances, NASA closes any investigation into possible HAARP-Shuttle interactions. Investigators continue to pursue numerous other possible theories, such as damage to the shuttle heat shield tiles during take off. Or possibly even some pieces of the shuttle or tiles reportedly falling off over California, or strange electrical discharges around the shuttle as it enters the atmosphere -- something some California observers reported. But that was something no one could have ever observed, since, according to NOAA weather satellite images at that exact time, most all of California and Nevada were covered with thick cloud cover at 5:53 AM just as Columbia passed overhead. No California observations, videos or photographs were possible.

Other groups investigate the possible impact of newly discovered extremely high altitude air turbulence, which may have damaged the 23-year-old airframe of the aging Columbia as it entered the atmosphere. The investigative results are inconclusive or misleading. Nothing is resolved. The Shuttle program is shut down for over a year, because of the unclear results and the loud public clamor to cease the dangerous and costly NASA shuttle missions. American concerns about the ongoing hot war on terrorism now predominate the evening news. Columbia is forgotten.

Without NASA Space Shuttle support, the two astronauts and lone cosmonaut on the International Space Station are brought down in June 2003, using the Russian space lifeboat landing craft. No replacement personnel are sent up to relieve them. The International Space Station is left abandoned in its partial shutdown remote-control mode. The ISS was built under control of the US military and still has several operational space monitoring and weapons guidance systems, but all are now under remote control.

And who are the remote controllers? They are in both the Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National labs, Space Weapons Systems divisions. These two groups are comprised primarily of Chinese nationals, also in the US as graduate students on F1 or H1B temporary visas to study at the University of California at Berkeley. Based on the post-Cold War "Immigration Act of 1991", beginning in the early 1990's, tens of thousands of Chinese college students entered the US on temporary visas. From 1991 to 1996 the number of Asian engineering students, mostly Chinese and Pakistani, in all of California's engineering colleges had grown from 2 percent to well over 35 percent.

From the year 2000 US census data, and University of California annual reports, by the year 2000, Asian students predominated in all California engineering and computer science colleges. Many thousands become students at Berkeley and later become research assistants at both Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos Labs. Both of the national labs had been operated for the US government by UC Berkeley since World War II.

Using post-Cold War thinking, similar to the 1985 "Glasnost" or USSR "openess" program, the Clinton Administration in 1993 relaxed all the costly security requirements at the top secret labs. There are now no security background checks, no picture badges, no sign-in books, no security guards at the doors or gate. The labs have been wide open for 10 years. Many of the employees at the top secret national labs are foreign nationals with temporary visas or even no visa at all.

It was early one cold Saturday morning when all regular radio and TV programming on every station and satellite channel stopped and was replaced with a continuously repeating Emergency Alert System message,

"This is People's Republic of China. Under international law we declare for the safety and well being of all peoples of the world, we are now control all weapon system. We are control of the International Space Station and all international facility. We can and will destroy and eliminate all dangerous weapon or missiles system. No weapon or resistance to the peaceful order of all peoples of the world will be allowed."

Simultaneously, the two million recently immigrated young Chinese already in America, who had entered the US, since 1993, either illegally or on F1 or H1B visas, put on their Army of the PRC uniforms. On that cold Saturday morning, the two million seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere in every city and town throughout the United States.

In the US, most American military personnel are not to be seen. America had been mistakenly convinced to send most all of its US fighting men and military resources to fight an increasingly difficult "two war scenario" in Iraq and North Korea in a war against terrorism. The uniformed Chinese are armed with Chinese-made AK47 automatic rifles which had been for years shipped into the US during the 1990's in unmarked and uninspected shipping containers into Long Beach and Oakland harbors. The weapons and uniforms had been stored in the hundreds of import/export company warehouses throughout the US that normally distribute Chinese-made consumer goods sold at WalMart.

Worldwide, not just one, but a whole series of similar simultaneous internet worms and trojans are unleashed. The worms attack the internet DNS system and the American telephone system. All internet and telephone communication ceases. Without any personal communication or connection to the outside world the Americans quickly become frightened sheep ready for herding. On that cold Saturday morning, the now frightened and terrified US populace is panicked. What is happening? Who is in charge? What is being done? What will become of us? No answers come from any radio or TV, only the repeating Emergency Alert message. When ordered, the confused and leaderless American citizens, both old and young, male and female, are quietly rounded up from their homes by the 2 million armed Chinese soldiers. Soldiers who had already been in place, instructed and drilled, since early 2000. Within days most of the cities and towns of America are emptied. Without even firing a shot, tens of millions, then hundreds of millions of frightened Americans are collected into mass resettlement camps, and...and... ...And to think it all started because somebody forgot to securely padlock the back door at HAARP as spaceship Columbia made its final descent.

The scary part is that most of this has already happened. While Congress sleeps, Americans can now only await the coming of that cold Saturday morning. Marshall Smith Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette Saturday Feb 8, 2003

Note: Marshall Smith is a degreed engineer/scientist with degrees in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and physics. He worked as a NASA sub-contractor/consultant on numerous space shuttle projects during the 1980's. Mr. Smith has been a licensed commercial radio engineer since the 1960's and has been chief engineer at several US radio stations. He has researched and written papers in high-energy physics, radio-physics, and geo-magnetics. He built his first home-brew PC-type computer in 1976. He has designed and built computers and data-acquistion and control systems used in the NASA Space Shuttle project, the Navy Trident D5 submarine missile program, and the Air Force Titan IV program. Mr. Smith was lead designer for one of the "Star Wars" space laser-weapon targeting systems which had no publicly-known program name.

ADDENDUM and UPDATES: February 9, 2003 UPDATE 1. This is a replica of the BroJon logbook for Saturday February 1, 2003. Times are in PST (From HAARP Monitor running continuously from May 2000 to the present)

4:15 AM HAARP on. 3.39 MHz. Very weak. Military mode 4:42 AM HAARP still on. Stronger but still faint. 5:25 AM HAARP still on but very weak 6:15 AM HAARP still on. -- On Fox News Chan -- first announcement that shuttle is missing -- NASA reports no contact since 6am 6:43 AM HAARP still on but very weak 7:23 AM HAARP no longer on. Off about 7:20

Note: I cannot monitor the HAARP main beam directly since it is all aimed upward toward the overhead Auroral Jet or that section of sky where the Northern Lights are seen. I can only monitor the weak southern side lobe leaking off the edges of the large 148 antenna array. The side lobe signal must make two shortwave ionospheric skips around the curvature of the earth to reach me in California 3,500 miles away.

There are three possible reasons for the signal I monitor being weaker than normal: (1) They are running at lower power. (2) There are poor ionospheric conditions for double skip propagation, but that usually produces a varying or erratic signal which did not occur, or (3) The full-power main beam was tilted or aimed southward toward me in California so the tilted side lobe would be pointing more into the ground resulting in a weak signal in my direction. I cannot determine which of the three occurred.

Why is the shuttle note listed in the HAARP log? I was working on a computer project when HAARP came on at 4:15. I opened my logging program. I had set my clock alarm to set up my camera and watch the shuttle pass overhead. It was overcast at 5:45 and hoping for clearing I checked again at 5:53 and then at 5:57. I gave up and turned on Fox News Channel to watch Columbia land on TV. At 6:15, the scheduled landing time, mysteriously there was no Columbia. Where did it go? It was such a strange and momentus event, I wanted to document the time of the first NASA announcement in the only scientific journal I had open -- the HAARP log. At the time, I made no connection between the two events.

February 10, 2003 UPDATE 2. Weather conditions for observers in California showing that all observations or photos of Columbia from California were either hoaxed or misinterpreted.

IMAGE OF COLUMBIA CROSSING CALIFORNIA This NOAA weather infrared image from the GOES West satellite was taken at 1400 GMT or 6:00 AM in the Pacific Time Zone.

Columbia had passed over San Francisco on the California coast at 5:53 AM and was just south of Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border at 6:00 AM, February 1, 2003, as this image was taken.

This image shows a major storm system drawing massive amounts of cloudy moist air from the warm sub-tropic ocean just east of the Hawaiian Island chain. The high cirrostratus moisture-laden clouds are moving north eastward across California and producing rain and snow in the Nevada, Idaho, Utah and Colorado regions, shown by the colored areas. This storm was so strong and moisture laden that it continued to produce rain and snow across the Mid-west a day later, and even produced strong rain from Florida to the New England states three days later on Tuesday February, 4th.

Just two hours after this image, the storm had moved southeastward, covering southern California, Arizona, and northern New Mexico and stretching to the Mid-western states. But leaving northern California with completely clear skies by 8:00 AM.

I have seen the reported shuttle pictures from San Francisco, and they are most probably hoaxed. The photographer did not want to give his name, and the journalist, Sabin Russell is a non-technical writer for the SF Chronicle. I sent a copy of my article to Russell back on Thursday, Feb 6th. He did not respond. I suspect both of them are guilty of a hoax and will soon be prosecuted for providing obviously false information to a federal investigation.

I live in San Jose just south of San Francisco. I went out to observe and photo the Columbia. The sky was completely overcast from horizon to horizon, as shown by no visible stars and only thin reflections of city lights from very high cirrus clouds, so no photo from San Francisco was even possible. This NOAA weather satellite photo from that time also proves that. All of northern California was covered with clouds from a major storm front.

Over San Francisco, the skies cleared up about 2 hours later. The hoaxer did not know that he would be caught in the hoax, since he probably did not wake up until about 8 AM and only saw clear skies.

The Bishop, California, Owens Valley observation report, which reportedly also included a photo, was also either hoaxed or simply misinterpreted. The Owens Valley, which is in the Sierra Nevada mountains about 200 miles south of Lake Tahoe and the Columbia flight path, was also socked-in with complete overcast as Columbia passed over. The Owens Valley and all of the Southern California, San Joaquin Valley and most of the elevated regions of the Sierra Nevada mountains remained covered with clouds for the next 16 hours.

The conclusion would be that there were no California observations, videos or photographs. All regions within 300 miles of Columbia's flight path where Columbia might have been observed were completely covered with clouds.

UPDATE 3. Letter to Rush Limbaugh showing that the Shuttle Columbia disaster was a terrorist attack:

February 11, 2003 Rush --- Twelve years ago, in April 1991, I sent you a short email to explain the evidence I had discovered showing that the "Hole in the Ozone Layer" was a hoax.

The day after I sent the letter, you read the complete letter on your program. Your reading of my letter on the air, was the very first step in opening the debate among scientists whether the "hole in the ozone" was a scientific hoax or not.

Since that time, the scientific data shows that in fact it was a hoax. In the past 15 years, NASA has wasted billions of dollars studying and finding what had already been known 60 years ago. That the Ozone Layer annually thins every year at the poles and grows thicker and thinner as a natural response to the 11-year sunspot cycle.

Sadly, I have just made another discovery of greater import. The Columbia shuttle disaster, was in fact, a terrorist attack. An attack not using a shoulder-fired missile, but using the sophisticated Air Force-Navy space anti-missile defense system in Alaska.

The weapons facility has very lax security, even without a fence. Just as terrorists hijacked our airplanes to bring down the World Trade Center, it seems a terrorist has hijacked a sophisticated American military anti-missile defense device to bring down Columbia.

Most probably, the responsible person was a visiting graduate research assistant, working at the facility, who also was a member of Al-Qaida. It is most odd that the weapons research facility would be in operation during the winter and just before dawn. Someone turned on the weapon 90 minutes before Columbia's re-entry and left it running for another 90 minutes after Columbia "landed." The facility had not been in operation for over a month prior to this singular event.

All of the observed phenomena on Columbia during re-entry, such as the sudden cutoff of voice communication, the gradual warming of all temperature sensors on the left side of the craft toward Alaska, the gradual wandering and loss of control over Nevada, the total loss of data communication over New Mexico and the complete loss of flight control over Texas followed by the tumbling destruction of Columbia, cannot be accounted for by loss of shield tiles, or damage to the left wing during take-off. Nor can these all be caused by any internal fault or mechanical failure within the shuttle as NASA is attempting to show.

But all of the observed phenomena can be shown to be caused by a single outside source: Ultra-high energy radiation coming from the US anti-missile defense shield weapons facility in Alaska. This radiation would have caused the gradual warming on Columbia's left side followed by the gradual and progressive destruction of all electrical systems within the spacecraft over a period of several minutes resulting in loss of Columbia.

Since the information I have discovered is rather detailed I am not sending all the data in this letter. I have posted the several page report on my website at In the two days since I posted the information, I have received emails from a number of knowledgeable scientists who all agree, it is the only scenario which seems to fit all the facts.

Marshall Smith Ex-NASA engineer/scientist Editor, BroJon Gazette

Copyright © 2003 BJNews & TeddySpeaks Foundation, Inc. To respond to this story email BROTHER JONATHAN GAZETTE.

TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: haarp; tinfoil
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To: TomB
the scenario of 2 million Chinese grabbing their AKs and setting out to subdue us.

17 million women own firearms in the United States. Add in the male gun owners and you get something like 80 million. The Chicoms wouldn't stand a chance, except maybe in New York City, Chicago, Washington DC and a few other places, where the government has more or less disarmed the populace, except for the criminals of course.

21 posted on 02/21/2003 3:10:30 PM PST by El Gato
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To: El Gato
except for the criminals of course.

And then consider the carnage that would result when the gang-bangers realize the ChiComs, and their autocratic government, want to take over.

Looks like the only safe place for them would be Florida. ;-)

22 posted on 02/21/2003 5:43:48 PM PST by TomB
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To: mo
  • in the US nuclear submarines miles deep below the ocean surface
  • special magnetometer receivers in the US nuclear submarines miles deep below the ocean surface

The maximum depth for an Ohio-class boomer is around 300 meters... about 1/6th of a mile.

23 posted on 02/21/2003 5:56:28 PM PST by Nick Danger (Freeps Ahoy! Caribbean cruise May 31... from $610
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To: mo
HAARP gets blamed for a lot of things. It's right down the road from here. The Geophysical Institute is visible from my front porch. What about this story? Having just checked the seams on my foil hat, I feel it is safe to say it is quite a story.
24 posted on 02/21/2003 6:01:06 PM PST by RightWhale
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To: Nick Danger
Agree most of this seems to be bull, but the ops depth runs over 1200 feet now; I lost a good friend here:
Thresher sank in 8,300 feet of water, taking 128 crew members with her. The boat had an operational depth of 1,300 feet, more than any other U.S. submarine class to that date, but clearly the hull would have passed "crush depth" well before hitting bottom.
NOVA - 400 Years of Subs

25 posted on 02/25/2003 9:18:59 PM PST by brityank (The more I learn about the Constitution, the more I realise this Government is UNconstitutional.)
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To: brityank
ops depth runs over 1200 feet now;

300 meters, 1200 feet, give those people an inch and they'll take 160,000 centimeters.

26 posted on 02/25/2003 9:36:36 PM PST by Nick Danger (Freeps Ahoy! Caribbean cruise May 31... from $610
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To: Nick Danger
That extra 3000+ centimeters can be the difference between life and death, though. When I went through Boot at GL they were crying for bubble-heads; I couldn't go (for which I've been eternally grateful) because I'd lost my appendix, and the 4" scar was a no-no. I'm still amazed that they do their games in less depth than the Empire State building; that ain't a whole lot of maneuvering room.
27 posted on 02/25/2003 10:13:27 PM PST by brityank (The more I learn about the Constitution, the more I realise this Government is UNconstitutional.)
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