Is There A Pro-Gun Candidate for Los Angeles City Council? Find Out This Thursday Evening . . .I will see you there!
John W. Brantuk For California Assembly ^ | February 17, 2003 | John W. Brantuk, Sr.; Republican Nominee for CA Assembly, District 56
Posted on 02/17/2003 11:54 AM PST by
Please Join Us this Thursday Evening at:
"ATF Night" - a PRO-Gun Social Gathering
Thursday, February 20, 2003
Culver City, CA
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
("Cocktail" hour from 6:30 - 7:30 PM)
FREE Admission
This Month's Featured Speaker:
Candidate for Los Angeles City Council
Rod WrightThe Majority of the Members of the Los Angeles City Council have proven to be extremely antagonistic toward those of us who value our God-Given rights as enumerated in the Constitution of the United States in general, and the Second Amendment in particular.
Rod Wright is a member of the political party which generally continues to attempt to strip away the ability of law-abiding citizens to purchase, possess and use firearms, HOWEVER, Mr. Wright professes to be PRO-GUN and the National Rifle Association has chosen to support his candidacy for the Los Angeles City Council.
Please come to ATF Night this Thursday to hear directly from Rod Wright where he stands on the Second Amendment, Gun-Registration, the proposal to ban the purchase and possession of .50 Caliber rifles and ammunition, the issuance of Concealed Carry Permits, etc., etc...
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