To: DoughtyOne
Well said! Most people who remember the Iranian hostage crisis have little respect for Carter. Carter was absolutely useless during the crisis. The Iranians held our embassy staff hostage for over a year! With a prez like Bush in office, that would never happen - because any offending country would definitely regret it!
22 posted on
02/18/2003 6:21:17 AM PST by
(may the running liberal pig-dogs be turned into bbq toasties in the sea of fire)
To: thisiskubrick
The Incompetent One started his administration with amnesty for draft dodgers and gave the finger to those who fought and their families. He ended it with the fiasco of the Iran hostage crisis, double-digit inflation and interest rates, miles long lines for gas, wearing sweaters to save energy, being "shocked" by the communist invasion of Afghanistan (after all, we fools had an "inordinate fear" of Bolshevism, unlike the Sage of Plains), boycotting the Olympics and ruining the sports hopes of thousands who worked for decades. Remember his ignorant brother, his sister who thought she had "converted" the world's slimiest pornographer, his wingeing wife who broke the bank on spending at the cosmetic surgeons on facelifts, his hag of a mother who said Reagan might "die first" before becoming president (he outlived you by two decades, Miss Lillian) and the wonderful scene of this simpleton at his own convention in 1980 chasing Ted Kennedy around the stage in the forlorn hope that he would acknowledge him. You belong as the spiritual leader of those who hate this country, Mr. Carter, because like your pal Robert McNamara, everything you touch turns to dirt.
25 posted on
02/18/2003 6:29:55 AM PST by
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