I'm a type B personality usually, until you get my dander stirred up over an important issue.
I noticed when I lost weight a few years ago that I had less muscle pain. BUT I've regained it over the past 2 years and the pain level is UP again.
Had a total hysterectomy about 8 years ago, and after 9 months on the estrogen patch I discovered that the estrogen was causing ALL KINDS of Gastro-Intestinal problems. When I stopped taking estrogen (took 30 days for side effects to disappear) the GI problems STOPPED.
IF you are having GI problems and taking estrogen you might want to reaccess your GI conditions. One of the side effects of estrogen that is listed in that #6 pica print is GI side effects. Acid, gas, bladder/bowel spasms, constipation. My bowel stopped working unless I took a laxative. Tried maniuplating my diet to relieve this but that did not work.