I was posting this on another article and found it to be interesting; I lived in Africa for over a year and seen some sh#t. I think I believe what is being said in this article.
To: Porterville
Melvern sees Rwanda as "the defining scandal of the Clinton presidency". She describes with contempt Clinton's playing to the humanitarian gallery as the Hutu death-squads piled into refugee camps in Zaire. Suddenly there was endless American sympathy for the refugees and, once the million dead had been disposed of, Clinton even had some empty rhetoric to offer. "The international community . . . must bear its share of responsibility . . . We did not act quickly enough after the killing began . . . We did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name, genocide. Never again must we be shy in the face of the evidence."
To: Porterville
If you want to get elected as the head of any international organisation you need 95 votes minimum. You look around - get Africa and you're over halfway there.
Every vote counts.
To: Porterville
If you ever get the chance to watch the Frontline special on Rwanda from a few years back, be prepared to be as angry and disgusted in Clinton, the UN and France as anything you will ever see.
6 posted on
02/13/2003 10:18:08 PM PST by
To: Porterville
"In a country such as Rwanda, a genocide is not that important." - Francois Mitterrand.
8 posted on
02/13/2003 10:21:05 PM PST by
To: Porterville
9 posted on
02/13/2003 10:23:04 PM PST by
(This is my tag line. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
To: Porterville
All the more so when one realizes that this sort of thing is coming to a neighborhood near most Americans in our lifetime.
All in the name of the satanic order, of course . . . . though not labeled as such. His only goal is to rob, kill and destroy. He's good at it.
And when he has the likes of Billdo and Shrillary to cheer him on and give him such enormous help--and a growing global cabal to orchestrate it--a lot of destruction can occur in rather short periods of time.
12 posted on
02/13/2003 10:39:44 PM PST by
(21st FREEPCARD FINISHED--going to get back to it soonish)
To: Porterville
"Meanwhile, it has begun to resemble a ramshackle third world state itself: corrupt, ineffectual, eternally in debt." Interesting concept, the UN as a third world country...
14 posted on
02/14/2003 12:37:34 AM PST by
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