Mia T:
I tried your links on a high speed connection, and wow, you've got a lot of great info! I first tried to check out your thread on a slow dial up, very-slooow. (34 kbps)I gave up.
One of the things I didn't know was that deal about sick willie wanting his Lie-brary to look like a bridge...and then I had a thought:
(I'm probably not the first one to think of this), but maybe klintoon should have a Kennedy wing of his lie-brary;
A Buick going over the side, into the water! I like the idea anyway...
BTW, thanks for the hard work you put into your information, it's very interesting. And I might add; far more enjoyable than Brussels Sprouts.
BTW...as fer the "fireworks"...uh, nothing to see here, just move it on along...LOL!!