tell me how this magical NRST is going to make things better in the real world?
It will give you first control of your pay check before government gets any cut. From there it is up to you how you spend or invest your income.
Live frugally purchase used or do for yourself and invest, you receive maximum benefit to the accumulation of the basis for wealth accumulation by the private individual.
Spend it all, government gets a take of 23% of what you spend.
You stand in control of how much tax is extracted from you by your own choices.
How is this going to make my life better?
You have greater liberty and control over you life. You are burdened less by government by the reduction of the costs of compliance (65 cents for every dollar collected under the current system) on business, meaning greater profitibility of investments and potential for lower prices through competition.
If you can't find a better economic life with those working for you, stay with the current system.
""Live frugally purchase used or do for yourself..." .
It will give you first control of your pay check before government gets any cut. From there it is up to you how you spend or invest your income
You can choose to not pay rent,
you can choose to not have a mortgage,
not buy groceries,
not get a car repair,
not have a car payment (yes, interest payments are subject to a tax),
not buy gasoline,
not get a hair cut,
not have sewer service,
not have water service,
not have garbage service,
not have a telephone,
not have electricity,
not have cable/satellite
not have heating oil/natural gas,
not to dine out,
Not ever have any "service"...
Oh, and when you invest, don't forget the tax on the implicit AND explicit financial intermediation fees.
In other words, you can choose to live the life of a hermit to avoid their exorbitant tax...After all isn't that what we all work and live for?